Idk if this even makes any sense lol but here it goes, this was just something I thought of today and I decided to write it down
Parents treat us like plants sometimes.
We are allowed to be and grow however we like until we suddenly don't fit their wished shape any more. They feed us and take care of us until our branches grow too big or in a different direction than they want us to. When we grow outside of their wished shape they cut us down. The second we don't longer fit they start breaking us down into the shape they want us to be. Some parents let their plants grow completely wild, but they never really care for them. The plants will then die, cause no one was there to help then grow strong. Some parents want to keep their plants nice and tiny. They cut down the branches over and over again.
Some parents try to force their plant to grow big and wide, when that plant is actually made for being small and free in their own way. Sometimes the branches might be to strong and to thick to cut. Then the parents just come back with a bigger scissor and cut those branches down anyways.
That's not how parenting should be done.
The plant should be allowed to grow in any direction it wants, at it's own speed in it's own way. It should be cared for. Not cut down into a shape that suits the parents wishes. Then it can never actually grow strong. Only when the plant grows in a way that is hurtful to it the parents should restrain it, but instead of being cut down, the branches should be gently guided back to safety.
Life will give us hard times anyways. Our branches might break. They might get diseases and the environment will be hard to live in. The plant might have a hard time surviving, but that's when the parent should be there to take care of the plant and help it make it through the hard times. Not try to cut them down even more.
Some parents overwater their plants. They think that they are helping the plants when they cut them down. They think that overwatering the plant will help, when what the plant might really need is just a sunny place to be. Some people are not even made to have plants. Some people doesn't have plants when maybe they should.
Parents should be there to help their child, not restrain them. But they should also be there enough to notice when their child needs them, and when guidelines are actually necessary. With that being said… Peace Out, Folks.