forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Well, you'll find someone. Dont worry. ^~^ Love comes out of nowhere.

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I’m not good at writing. Fuck. Well I’m leaving because I’m not worthy of hearing masterpiece conversations. YEET


My name is Charlotte
I think I'm either Bi or asexual
I'm confused
I love music, especially AJR P!ATD and TOP
I play the Baritone at my schools band
I'm going through some odd stuff right now
My friends won't understand
So I'm resorting to the community of which I may be a part of
Call me Char


My name is Charlotte
I think I'm either Bi or asexual
I'm confused
I love music, especially AJR P!ATD and TOP
I play the Baritone at my schools band
I'm going through some odd stuff right now
My friends won't understand
So I'm resorting to the community of which I may be a part of
Call me Char

Hi new fren
Can I help with anything?


Hi ^u^
I have been a part of this friend group for a long time. And through that time, I have had some crushes, both male and female, that I have (mostly) gotten over. We are a band of misfits that don't really belong with any other clique. We have two athletes, a weeb, a music obsessed artist, two complete nerds, one normal person, and then theres me. I don't know where I fit. The one music artist friend is pan, so I talk to her a lot. Despite all of our differences as a group, I have grown to know and love all of them as family these past few years. However, i can feel that soon this year we are going to have a falling out. One of the athletes and the normal kid are trying to separate. One of the nerds who had a crush on the athlete is ralling some of the others against the athlete. I don't know where I stand. The nerd and the athlete are both very close friends of mine, and now they are rifting. I don't know what to do. I'm scared.


Hi ^u^
I have been a part of this friend group for a long time. And through that time, I have had some crushes, both male and female, that I have (mostly) gotten over. We are a band of misfits that don't really belong with any other clique. We have two athletes, a weeb, a music obsessed artist, two complete nerds, one normal person, and then theres me. I don't know where I fit. The one music artist friend is pan, so I talk to her a lot. Despite all of our differences as a group, I have grown to know and love all of them as family these past few years. However, i can feel that soon this year we are going to have a falling out. One of the athletes and the normal kid are trying to separate. One of the nerds who had a crush on the athlete is ralling some of the others against the athlete. I don't know where I stand. The nerd and the athlete are both very close friends of mine, and now they are rifting. I don't know what to do. I'm scared.

that sucks
a lot. I really want to help you but i'm not really sure how…

@-Love, Blue

ok so there's this guy and I dont even like him like his personality is literal crap, but my gay ass went and caught the feels and now im going to die and please save me.