forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hey y'all!!
If you have Bitmoji, it has pride icons (your bitmoji with a tiny rainbow of the colors over their head) for: gay, pan, lesbian, poly, bi, trans, ace, genderqueer, nonbinary, and I think also aro??

yes also intersex


I have dug myself a hole of 3000 words and my motivation is gone but doggone it I'm not quitting NaNoWriMo again. I'm gonna be up for hours, but that's not fine. Let's see how good this section of writing ends up lol.

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hah i quit because i am trash
yeets self into garbage can

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i havent had a good nights sleep in a while please just dont murder me im trying not to make a mess of my keyboard


I have like…. a little over 15000 but my motivation is fading so hard. That's just in the one story though lol I've also written quite a bit of fanfiction recently rip my social life

@Becfromthedead group

I'm not even doing NaNo because I don't have the time or motivation, so y'all are doing better than I am. I wrote about 800 words last night, which is more than I have in months, so don't feel bad or like you're behind.

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I'm not even doing NaNo because I don't have the time or motivation, so y'all are doing better than I am. I wrote about 800 words last night, which is more than I have in months, so don't feel bad or like you're behind.


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I gave up on the thing I was writing for NaNo. I just can. It’s cringe righ now, I rushed it and now I’m going to die.

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My writing partner got his laptop taken from him. XD He got it back but like im playing fo4 right now and i dont wanna stoooppp….