forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Anemone eco

Well, this much I had figured. If you'd like, I could direct you somewhere that'll kinda show you the basics of the site and whatnot.

@Anemone eco

No problem, dude. Either way, welcome to the community. I'm… aw shit… uh… you can call me Nie, Zach, Utinam, Dreamer, or even Goat Boy, though if you call that last one I may not know you're talking to me. I'm most commonly called Nie or Zach though. Uhh, my sexuality is somewhere in the great unknown and my pronouns are he/him. It's been a pleasure to meet you so far and I hope it can remain that way.


Nie hehe thx chu for everything I think I got the gist of this place ^^ I will always remember chu ^^ I'm Damien u can call me damie I'm bi and gender is whatever u want idc ill be a fooking toaster if that's what u want lol

@Anemone eco

Ah. If you ask me, pronouns are a choice you should make, but the whole toaster thing was pretty funny lol. Everything was no trouble at all. I'm glad to have helped.

Deleted user

Hi damie, nice to meet you. Most people call me Nat (or by my username), I’m pan and I’m never online when stuff happens T-T


aww heh oki ill call u Nat ^^ nice to meet u too !~ im new here but im forgetful ….so i might not remember this placee unless i hv someone here to talk to you know..? idk lol hows u doings?

@HighPockets group

Hi damie, nice to meet you. Most people call me Nat (or by my username), I’m pan and I’m never online when stuff happens T-T

K that last line is such a mood.