forum The Latenight Chat
Started by @Crisis

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Just came back from watching a firework show from the roof, being ordered by my dad.
My little height-fearing self was shaking so much throughout the entire thing.
And then when it was time to get off the tilted roof I almost had a panic attack.
I'm off now and have SURVIVED WOAH
Experience was 4/10, including bonus points for the firework show. Would not recommend.

Deleted user

Yeah, nice. Not a fan of heights either. shudders

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Dude seriously I would not recommend and imagine my reaction when the big and loud fireworks came… then when my dad said that there were rats that crawled on the roof occasionally… yeah…


I'm deathly afraid of heights too, I get it. And then you're parents are like, "Both feet are on the ground you're fine" and you're not sure how to tell them that you're mind is telling you to run as far away as possible or curl into a ball.

Deleted user

Dude seriously I would not recommend and imagine my reaction when the big and loud fireworks came… then when my dad said that there were rats that crawled on the roof occasionally… yeah…

Ew… ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew…

Deleted user

My step-sister (who is the same age as me…) was literally crying as she went down the roof. Plus I get scared at loud noises which made it worse. I wasn't originally going to go on the roof, but went when my dad ordered me to.

Deleted user

Dude seriously I would not recommend and imagine my reaction when the big and loud fireworks came… then when my dad said that there were rats that crawled on the roof occasionally… yeah…

Ew… ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew…

EXACTLY AND HE TELLS ME MIDWAY THROUGH LIKE 'Oh by the way make sure to lean on the vent because rats come up here sometimes and if one snuck up on you you'd lose balance and die' THANKS DAD MAKE SURE TO TELL ME THAT BEFORE I GET ON THE ROOF NEXT TIME OKAY

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He predicts that later in life I will be doing this again and enjoying it… I'm not too sure

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I dunno I mean theres all kinds of adults: pushy ones, the cool ones, etc.

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I dunno like it depends on my mood
I really like chicken pot pie, alfredo pasta and soup though


Ooh! I know it's not late anymore but I have a fireworks story. So we were lighting some fireworks in the driveway, and there's one that we started, and it was just spraying small red sparks, and my dad called it lame, then BOOM
It starts sending blinding sparks up to ten feet and popping really loudly, and everyone screamed and ducked down bc they were in range. Like, thanks dad you made it angry. I was the only one who was safe bc jokes on you I was cowering in the corner out of fear the whole time!


Yeah. My little cousin almost got hit, but my aunt just picked her up and swung her out of the way as if she weighed nothing