forum The Idea Forum!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I know :3
But I don't know if I use any in my stories or not.
I have this character I wanna use named Tempora, which is a bird rabbit thing… Yet I just made him, so I really haven't had any chances to experiment with him.

Deleted user

But I also have dis Lenny boi I wanna develop more.
I made him for a roleplay and sounded cool so I kept him. But the roleplay crashed and burned like heck… And so… Now he just kinda sits there.
Not to get off topic, but I'm thinking of starting a Psionic Child rp. Because that's what Lenny boi is. A child with electric stuffy powers because why not.

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I dunno…. Because last time I tried an rp like that, it was an awful idea, and it plagued me since then…

Nonetheless…. Lenny is still cool.

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Thank :3
I need to add more stuff since I made him, and I haven't really opened it in a while…. Yehch….
What other ideas may there be bouncing around in your brain?


Well. I got to say, I've been thinking of this really cool Organization for the world I'm making. Basically a gang of seven members, each imbued with the powers of a magical artifact that makes them in human. And they basically just go around terrorizing people. And doing what they want. But they have a systematic approach, it's not random at all.

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Ooooh…. Yesh…. But like what about their approach? You said it was systematic…. To what? To terrorizing people?

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Oh. Well that's okay.
Sometimes I have my characters do stuff, but it has no purpose and I sorta get angry with myself for that.

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It'd be like "why do they have to go back here when they could've just done that and have it be over?"
Like things that are a natural time waster sorta annoy me…

Yet that makes sense.

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That's the most common issue I have. But I try to think it sorta as a video game where you can't go past a certain point unless you have some certain item or person with a unique power.
It helps in some senses, I suppose.


Taking riding fuse from a video game is actually very unique and creative. How many people do that, and just thinking of doing that might get you a really big reputation in the reading community. You never know, I think it would be a great idea.