forum The Idea Forum!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Welcome, I guess this is a place for you to trade ideas with other users, and help each other figure out the solutions to your writing problems. Come on come all! Have fun!

Deleted user

Oh of course.
But… For this one fanfic I'm writing I have a super abstract villian.
Like…. You can't physically touch or see him, but you can see him in mirrors and dreams and photos and weird stuff like that.
I dunno. Just something I'm doing.

Deleted user

But… He's also like… The evil part of the main character. So he's super weird.

Deleted user

Thank you.
I also came up with some super weird landscape-y thing where its always dark and woodsy ish.
But it's underground. And those glow worm things are like the stars of the ground or whatever.
And the people are super pale and use six-legged polar bears as horses or something.

I was like half asleep when I came up with that stuff.

Deleted user

Thank you :3
I'm all into this woodsy stuff since I live in the middle of nowhere.

I also came up with something called the Jade Wood and Amber Wood, which are sorta opposite – one has greeny stuff and the other is all Autumn kinda things. However, in Amber Wood, at night, these wolf-spirit thingies come across the open and flat land, killing anything in their path.
If you're out at night, you're basically dead, no matter where you are in that place besides indoors.

But I mean…. Stuff just comes to me.

Deleted user

Another one I had was sorta like the Infinity Stones (if you saw Infinity War…) Where there are these stones that awaken these special powers that are dormant in this one kid and he uses them to help stop some robot from outerspace from wiping out or enslaving the entire human race….
So… Yeah… I has lots of stuffs.


I admire your creativity. Nice job tiramisu, you're an expert World Builder in my book. Would you like to hear some of my ideas? There are a lot prettier then most as well.


So basically one of my stories takes place on an alternate version of Earth! This planet has 6 continents and 29 (almost finished) countries! The continents are Cragoxa, Aarisa, Titanoberia, Leviatiros, Behihron and Habaaki! The first is a country with densely wooded mountains surrounding most of it, and rolling meadows and small valleys, lakes and rivers within. Only one side isn't surrounded by mountains, and that side is a coast! The skies are also usually clear!

Deleted user

Ooh!! That's cool!
I can't develop countries but small little places….
That's how big I'll go, lol.

Deleted user

Oh sure thing.
But I guess some things just sorta come to me randomly, and it'll be like I'm in the shower and "holy cow I gotta write that down"

Deleted user

Like….. Where did the idea of a giant striped lion with serrated fangs and claws come from?

Deleted user

Jus outta nowhere I guess.
Or maybe a black oily shapeshifting demon thingie?

Deleted user

Thank :3
I have cutsey stuff, too. Maybe. I'm not sure.
But… I think I do.