forum The Girl Who Lived.....
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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This proves we are very different people.
I never move on from my mistakes and blame myself.
You can get past them, and look on into the future.

It's amazing how personalities work.

Deleted user

Hey, every single person is different. I may be able to get past things and act like I'm not upset with myself but that's just what is seems. This is hard to explain…umm…yeah, I think I'm just going to shut up now.

Deleted user

Yes, things go way deeper than what is shown.
You don't have to shut up, you're fine.

Deleted user

Wow, y'all are going all deep and wise, and here I am eating Popsicles and wondering what I'm gonna do with my life. 😂😫

Deleted user

If I don't shut up now I'll say something dumb and make a fool of myself XD

Deleted user

I never talk irl, i just silently stare at people and make them uncomfortable without meaning to.

Deleted user

Sounds like the dark brooding character that sits in the corner in an anime!

Deleted user

Ehh….. maybe….. I just can't find it in myself to talk to them and honestly everyday i feel more and more distacted from them, so who cares? I have no goal anymore, i hate the majority of them, i'm kay with a few but im kind ehhh…..
Just gimme anime and notebook and ill be fine

Deleted user

XD that dude is a devil 😈 and he knows it! I'm not sure you'd want him as a love interest.