forum The Girl Who Lived.....
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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You know , I don't think I've ever had a ship name before… Wait! I remember! It was Magory! Maria x Gregory 👍

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It's Daddie isn't it

Yuppers XD

He's a kinky lil boogger! 😆

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Okay but like, I actually got to go now

Byyeee Maddie!!!

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lol That's great
I actually have a character named Cornelius Dalton

I have a character named Dal that's a serial killer.

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The mystery of when I come back will forever be…you guessed it….a mystery

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Will Maddie appear if we suddenly talk about her new boyfriend? See it next time on Myth Busters.

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Here's Maddie's farewell song, i think it fits.

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I understand the feels bruh, I went through that same stage.

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This honestly fits this situation so well!! TuT

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Yes, im sorry…
We all mourn her.
hugs Natasha

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OMG, it just took me a while for it to sink in. I'm proud to say that she was a friend and that we miss her. I think I speak for all of us when I say she was a part of our lives and will ever be. She helped us when we need it and was always there for us. I remember when she first came on to this website. She was so kind and loving and funny. I'm disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to spend more time with her.

But we miss you and we hope you have a good life.

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…I think I might have spent too much time with her XD