Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 11 followers

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Sly is the one who makes you feel safe and protected
The one who doesn't leave you until he knows that you're okay
The one who would never abandon you
The one who cares so much about others that he forgets to care about himself
The one who loves everyone unconditionally
The one who knows that he isn't perfect but is still striving to be as good as he can be
The one who takes care of you like you're the most important thing in the world


Yes <3

This is it.

Deleted user

I didn't

What are you appreciating?

My uncanny knack of turning every conversation dark and not helping at all cus I'm useless?

And, um, no. Not that. We love you Sly, you're not useless you're wonderful.

Deleted user

You're fabulous and you deserve all the love and respect in the world because you already give it to everyone else.


I'm super Canadian
Like even more so than my dad

That sounds a little weird
But I'm talking about Canadian stereotypes
If ya know what I mean

Deleted user

Canadians are cool

Talkin bout you Alice

Ayyyy :D


Thanks you guys

this means so much to me

Life is better when you have someone to lean on
And depend on
God is that person
But we're here to remind you of that

Deleted user

Thanks you guys

this means so much to me

Life is better when you have someone to lean on
And depend on
God is that person
But we're here to remind you of that

starts signing badly we all need somebody to lean on

Deleted user

GATHER ROUND KIDDOS squishes all in a hug

If someone doesn't want a hug I can just bow to you

hugs everyone back


Yesss….. nothing like being a gay Christian…

also I'm reading through this all give me a minute