Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 11 followers


there was one time where my entire family was sick with the flu and i was the only healthy one and i DIDN'T have my flu shot.

Deleted user

Oh I've had that happen to me before

I haven't actually thrown up (for sick reasons at least…) for about… a year I'd say?


i think the last time i threw up
i ate trixx yogurt, graham crackers, peanut butter, cereal, and microwave popcorn all at once
that…was not good
eight year old me was an idiot smh

Deleted user

I just want to know how you ate all that at once…


oof throwing up is terrible
I had a terrible stomach bug over Christmas
and now I can never eat toffee again bc that's what I was eating before I got sick
the thought of it just makes me wanna throw up lol

@Imperfect_Autumn group

i'm lowkey terrified of throwing up for like no reason
so i'm really glad it's been such a long time since i've thrown up

Ugh, I hate throwing up. I'd honestly rather have diarrhea…

Why are we talking about this again?

@Imperfect_Autumn group

oof throwing up is terrible
I had a terrible stomach bug over Christmas
and now I can never eat toffee again bc that's what I was eating before I got sick
the thought of it just makes me wanna throw up lol

That's how I am with Lindt and Ghirardelli chocolate.

Deleted user

The last time I felt like I was gonna threw up I was so scared as well
Idk why I was scared tho