Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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at least you guys aren't so obsessed with a game that you wrote a report on the game in the in game's alien language…


it was fun though, watching my, conspiracy theory riddled, teacher try to read this alien language… they freaked out when i began to speak the symbols

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Mine's good! I've got to help my mom at a farmer's market later, which will be boring, but I'll probably bring my over-sized notebook that has character and plot stuff for a new story I'm working on in it.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I've got the general plot down, yeah. There are also a few scenes that I have ideas for, but I haven't written them yet.
A few of the characters' info is in it, too. Like, way, overly detailed…


Sounds like you have a pretty good start!
Do you ever just randomly have a scene come to you and you’re like
Yes. This is the one that will make everyone cry.

Tbh I got that off of Pinterest but its so true tho


Same! I think of a good one and then I’m like ‘nah i cant write that’
Which is probly the reason why all my books are terrible
But hey, what can you do?