forum The dumbest kinds of ships you can imagine
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I don't like when the creators of a show or something just make a character/characters gay for another character out of the blue. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community, but it just seems unnecessary in that connotation. Like, in the show Once Upon A Time, they literally just made Little Red Riding Hood gay for Dorothy Gale and then they were never mentioned again?? Like, Red legit had a boyfriend before, but nOpe now she's gay. Like, what??


idk, but it literally came out of nowhere bc she's like, o yeah, Dorothy needs true love's kiss to wake her up from this sleeping curse… huh. Well I kinda like her and have suddenly become gay, so lemme try :D


Personally I hate "bad boy" ships especially when the boy is super controlling. Abusive much?? In pretty much every "bad boy" story I've read the boy is all like ~+"You can't do anything without me or else I will be very mad and ignore you/don't talk to other males but HEY it's fine if I flirt with other girls/you are mINE and no one else's"+~ These ships seem so unhealthy to me….


I hate ships that happen just because two characters come from the same place. Like, I personally don't really like Katniss and Peeta together (don't attack me please) because I feel like so much of that relationship is based of the chance they both got into the Hunger Games; and had to rely on each other for survival.

@HighPockets group

Really? I feel the exact opposite way lol.
I really dislike Everthorne because I feel like it was shoehorned in for 'drama', I could tell right away who Katniss would end up with. I think sometimes with an experience as traumatic as the Games, you need someone who went through it as well, like Finnick and Annie's relationship.


I try not to hate ships unless it's like super wrong (incest, pedophilia, huge age gaps, abusive etc.)
But I hate toxic fans who make everything about ships and get angry when someone doesn't ship their ship
voltron fandom

Deleted user

Yeah, I try not to hate anyone who doesn't ship what I ship… But one of my friends literally broke off our friendship because I shipped klance…


Apparently none of you guys have seen RWBY, because there are at least three different ships for each CHARACTER that has had a bit of screentime! Same thing with My Hero Academia! I support both canon and noncanon ships, but I don't like all the infighting that's happened because of it!

Deleted user

I have seen both, I don't ship anything in RWBY and I stay far away from that part of the fandom
I stay away from My Hero Academia fandom because I'm not done with the anime


Ruby and Oscar (though it's Ozpin in control and taking advantage of the situation). I get nauseous thinking about it.

@HighPockets group

I try not to hate ships unless it's like super wrong (incest, pedophilia, huge age gaps, abusive etc.)
But I hate toxic fans who make everything about ships and get angry when someone doesn't ship their ship
voltron fandom


@HighPockets group

Like, I won't be mad if those are endgame, I'm just sick of Tumblr users saying I'm racist for shipping Reylo or homophobic for shipping Finnrose…..