forum The dumbest kinds of ships you can imagine
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Deleted user

So, does anyone have a certain kind of ship they just hate? One that makes your skin crawl at how wretched and idiotic the idea of it is? This is the place for that. Argumentation is allowed. Feel free to let someone know how wrong they are about their ship.


And ships that just don’t make sense? Like, the to characters have never met/despise each other, or people ship someone who’s gay and someone who’s straight together.

This to an extent, but I think people should in some cases be allowed to dream.


And ships that just don’t make sense? Like, the to characters have never met/despise each other, or people ship someone who’s gay and someone who’s straight together.

This to an extent, but I think people should in some cases be allowed to dream.

Yeah, they aren’t the worst kinds of ships, but shipping people from two different fandoms is just ???

@HighPockets group

  • Incest ships, because NO.
  • Ships between people who are much older/younger than each other (I dislike ships like Feyre/Rhysand for this, just because Rhys looks like he's 20 doesn't erase that he is like 5,000 years old and Feyre is 19-20. Same with stuff like Edward/Bella. It's one thing if a person is, say, in their 100s but was frozen in time for years and didn't age or gain experiences, but if someone literally has thousands more years of experiences than their SO, then it's not healthy.)
  • Ships between an irredeemable villain/a villain with no chance at redemption/a hero-villain pair where neither one turns. I'm a Reylo, but only if Rey turns or Ben is redeemed.
  • Ships that would be considered unhealthy if the genders were reversed, but are considered empowering because 'look at that girl snark relentlessly at her bf, empowering!'
  • Ships between abuse victims and abusers, or rapists and the person they raped.
  • Ships where they have no chemistry and are forced.
  • Ships that only become canon because of fan pressure/fan harassment.
  • Ships with irritating fans (Like the Stuckies and Stormpilots that say having either guy end up with someone else is homophobic. Obviously not all shippers are like that, but some are on Tumblr in particular)
  • Ships that would give off a red flag in real life.
  • Ships that come outta nowhere with no buildup/happen due to a 'gotta give everyone a SO!' mentalities Caleo
  • Ships with an age gap that would be fine as an adult (like 3-4 years) between kids. This is why I dislike Frank/Hazel, Hazel is 13 and Frank is 16. As a freshman, I can 100% say that I don't even consider dating a kid a year or so younger than me because there's such a big difference between even like 13 and 14, or 14 and 16 that a relationship wouldn't be good.

@HighPockets group

And ships that just don’t make sense? Like, the to characters have never met/despise each other, or people ship someone who’s gay and someone who’s straight together.

Characters who have never met is good for AUs or Cracks, but when people come up to me and are like "uwu I ship (random example not from real life but ya know) Hermione and Pansy!!!!" in a canon sense, I die a bit. For the gay/straight ones, why not just make a gay OC or a straight OC?


  • Incest ships, because NO.
  • Ships between people who are much older/younger than each other (I dislike ships like Feyre/Rhysand for this, just because Rhys looks like he's 20 doesn't erase that he is like 5,000 years old and Feyre is 19-20. Same with stuff like Edward/Bella. It's one thing if a person is, say, in their 100s but was frozen in time for years and didn't age or gain experiences, but if someone literally has thousands more years of experiences than their SO, then it's not healthy.)
  • Ships between an irredeemable villain/a villain with no chance at redemption/a hero-villain pair where neither one turns. I'm a Reylo, but only if Rey turns or Ben is redeemed.
  • Ships that would be considered unhealthy if the genders were reversed, but are considered empowering because 'look at that girl snark relentlessly at her bf, empowering!'
  • Ships between abuse victims and abusers, or rapists and the person they raped.
  • Ships where they have no chemistry and are forced.
  • Ships that only become canon because of fan pressure/fan harassment.
  • Ships with irritating fans (Like the Stuckies and Stormpilots that say having either guy end up with someone else is homophobic. Obviously not all shippers are like that, but some are on Tumblr in particular)
  • Ships that would give off a red flag in real life.
  • Ships that come outta nowhere with no buildup/happen due to a 'gotta give everyone a SO!' mentalities Caleo
  • Ships with an age gap that would be fine as an adult (like 3-4 years) between kids. This is why I dislike Frank/Hazel, Hazel is 13 and Frank is 16. As a freshman, I can 100% say that I don't even consider dating a kid a year or so younger than me because there's such a big difference between even like 13 and 14, or 14 and 16 that a relationship wouldn't be good.



And ships that just don’t make sense? Like, the to characters have never met/despise each other, or people ship someone who’s gay and someone who’s straight together.

Characters who have never met is good for AUs or Cracks, but when people come up to me and are like "uwu I ship (random example not from real life but ya know) Hermione and Pansy!!!!" in a canon sense, I die a bit. For the gay/straight ones, why not just make a gay OC or a straight OC?

V true
And crack ships can make sense sometimes

@Rvan group

  • Ships between people who are much older/younger than each other (I dislike ships like Feyre/Rhysand for this, just because Rhys looks like he's 20 doesn't erase that he is like 5,000 years old and Feyre is 19-20. Same with stuff like Edward/Bella. It's one thing if a person is, say, in their 100s but was frozen in time for years and didn't age or gain experiences, but if someone literally has thousands more years of experiences than their SO, then it's not healthy.)

I’m okay with some ships like Feyre/Rhysand because it has a fantasy explanation of immortality (And that 5,000 years age gap in immortal terms isn’t that long)

Deleted user

Yeah, those unrealistic ships…
is still staring pointedly at the undertale fandom

@HighPockets group

  • Ships that have toxic/self-righteous fans. You know, the ones who are like "If you don't ship X and Y, you're racist, sexist, homophobic, and trash!!!" And I'm like……'Chill. Saying Poe and Connix would be cute isn't a mortal sin because it interferes with your headcanon of Gay!Poe, when mine is Pan!Poe…."

@HighPockets group

  • Ships between people who are much older/younger than each other (I dislike ships like Feyre/Rhysand for this, just because Rhys looks like he's 20 doesn't erase that he is like 5,000 years old and Feyre is 19-20. Same with stuff like Edward/Bella. It's one thing if a person is, say, in their 100s but was frozen in time for years and didn't age or gain experiences, but if someone literally has thousands more years of experiences than their SO, then it's not healthy.)

I’m okay with some ships like Feyre/Rhysand because it has a fantasy explanation of immortality (And that 5,000 years age gap in immortal terms isn’t that long)

Yeah true, that was the best example I could think of though. And since Feyre is immortal, it's not terrible. If she were mortal, it would be different, since she'd never have the possibility of gathering the life experiences as Rhys.

@HighPockets group

When people ship something that completely rejects something canon, say there’s a ship that is canon and has been for a while. This isn’t that bad though, unless the fans send tons of hate towards 1/2 of said canon ship

Yeah, or when people demonize or erase characters for the sake of their ships. Like, I'm a Barrissoka shipper, but I like Lux Bonteri and Luxsoka, it's just not my main ship! I find Lux an interesting character and a good friend for Ahsoka, a good boyfriend even, but if you browse the internet for him you'd think he was Edward Cullen 2.0 mixed with Justin Bieber. I shit you not, I found a thread that was comparing him to Cullen and Bieber, and Luxsoka to Twilight, even though Luxsoka was about people from different sides of the war coming together and helping each other when poor decisions were made, not a horny 100 yo vampire who likes the everyday 'speeshul gurl'…..


Alright, I have to disagree with some of the age gap ships. If they are both kids (but able to date healthily) or adults, then I don't see the problem. My dad is ten years older than my mother, and they turned out fine! Then again, they met when my mother was 27, but they were both adults that dated, got married, had me AND my sister, all with a large age gap! And they bicker and love each other like all married couples do!

@HighPockets group

When they meet as adults it's fine, but if it's above, say, 12ish years or they meet at 27 and 17, it's different. Han and Leia, my ultimate OTP, have a 10 year age gap, but both have had similar life experiences and a similar maturity level, and meet at 19 and 29, but don't actually start being interested in each other until they're 22 and 32, and don't marry until they're 23 and 33.