forum The Cure to Misinformation
Started by @WriteOutofTime

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…is information! Hey everyone, your local Black writer here to give you guys a rundown on what's going on and help you if you want to support BLM. First, some FAQs:

What is happening?
In the past months, police officers have killed several unarmed, innocent Black people. Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony Mcdade, and most noticeably George Floyd. The protests (and following chaos) began after George Floyd's violent murder was caught on camera. Four police officers were subsequently fired, three for watching, and one for the actual death: he knelt on a man's neck and suffocated him for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The killer has been arrested and is charged with 3rd degree murder, meaning that it was "unintentional" although in the video you can clearly see it was not.

Why the riots?
The protests are largely peaceful, but the media DOES NOT want to show you the good stuff. No, of course the news wants to escalate things even more. Peaceful protests have been interrupted by: police officers in riot gear bullying/tear gassing/shooting citizens with rubber bullets, Trump wanting to have a nice backdrop for his statement, white supremacist rioters, looters, etc. etc. It's been pretty crazy.

ACAB? That seems harsh.
ACAB means all cops are bad/bastards. It is not to be taken literally. Not every single cop you run into is going to be a jerk, and not every altercation is going to end poorly. What this statement means is that cops defend cops. If a cop does something bad, typically the other cops will NOT stop them, and will protect them. All cops uphold unjust laws and an unjust system that disproportionately attacks POC, especially Black men, along with mentally disabled or ill people and the LGBT community. Disproportionately is an important word here, since raw numbers don't tell the full story. Make sure to read up on percentages to understand the extent of the issue.

Is this necessary?
Let's look at history for a second. The Boston Tea Party. The Civil Rights movement. Wars. Social change rides on the back of violence. I do not condone the burning of small businesses or the injuries of any innocent people; however, I can see how protests make change, and I value the innocent lives being taken and the peaceful protesters being injured by the police more than I value Target or the police precinct. Hurting the government and the corporations financially is often a good way to get the point across. MLK even stated that riots are the language of the unheard, and the best guarantors of riot prevention is social change.

So, what next?
What is it all for? Well, take a look at campaign zero's website to find out just what people are fighting for. It details a pretty exhaustive list of changes to advocate for, and provides links to their research if you don't believe them. The link:

If you want to help end these protests and see that justice is served every time, see what you can do here:

Thanks for listening! If you have questions, I'm happy to answer!


Update 6/3: All four cops have been charged, and Chauvin (the one who killed Floyd) is now being charged with second degree murder!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Just gonna point out that MLK was always very against riots. (Probably already widely known, but that quotation might be confusing to some. He was stating that riots are a natural consequence of no representation.)


Just gonna point out that MLK was always very against riots. (Probably already widely known, but that quotation might be confusing to some. He was stating that riots are a natural consequence of no representation.)

Yes, MLK was personally against riots. However he understood why people felt like rioting, and understood how to prevent riots.


Just gonna point out that MLK was always very against riots. (Probably already widely known, but that quotation might be confusing to some. He was stating that riots are a natural consequence of no representation.)

Yes, MLK was personally against riots. However he understood why people felt like rioting, and understood how to prevent riots.

Period, sis.


update 6/5: The United States has arrested over 10,000 protesters, most for "unlawful assembly" (so not looting or damages). Videos are circulating now of unwarranted arrests, entrapment, police officers bullying children and the elderly, spitting on people (which is biochemical warfare rn), and firing on medics and press.

A 20 year old college student was shot in the back of the head with rubber-encased bullets and is in critical condition for supposedly throwing a water bottle. When medics tried to help him, they were also shot. Shooting medics and press is a war crime.


update 6/5: police reported that an old man had tripped and fallen, hurt his head, and is now in the hospital. footage then came out showing the officers shoving the old man, then leaving him bleeding on the pavement. one cop was shown stooping to help, but the other cops dragged them away. national guard ended up helping the guy. two officers were suspended, and then 57 officers resigned from that team in solidarity with the two guys, saying that it wasn't fair to be treated that way by the police chief.

my opinion: these 57 cops are upset because they don't have the right to bully the elderly.

Deleted user

Yeah let’s start it over. Thanks Sarah, for your incredible updates. ❤️


Update 6/7: the two officers who shoved the old guy are being charged with assault. Also, the old guy is in serious but stable condition in the hospital.


MAJOR UPDATE 6/7: Minneapolis has decided to defund the police department, moving forward with a community based safety program!!!!!

my opinion: at first i was a little concerned; what is a major city without police going to look like? If that is also your reaction, look into the research and theory done on abolishing the police. It actually makes a lot of sense. I think it'll be interesting to watch, and hopefully it will be a success and the rest of the U.S. can move accordingly!

@Anemone eco

I'm going to do some research, but, for now, I'm going to take your word for it when you said it makes sense. Thank you so much for the updates, again. Really appreciated.