forum The Closet
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

some one is talking to me holy freakinng crap! i thought i didnt exsist!


Dude I'm mostly nonexistent but today during photography this dude came up to me and asked me if he could have some of my water (pretending he ate something spicy and failing miserably) but then he walked past me and knocked over my water bottle and walked back and he's like 'OMGOSH what happened' and I'm like
Leave me alone


Update: It has only gotten gayer

talking about me
hello everyone I am bi/ace and I decided I needed lots of ppl to be gay with
(also my college roommate just moved in and she's cute (though v straight I can tell) but I'm v gay I just realized that)


this closet is growing very large

yes it's a big closet
but see
I'm so far in the closet I'm halfway across Narnia
so the closet is v v big

Deleted user

i got some star lights a poster of the flag and a poster saying "gender is fake, the world is fake, the government is fake!"