forum The Closet
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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But… God also wants us to follow his rules…

Where in the doctrine that God has given us does he say that not liking sex or the opposite gender or being a different gender or liking both or neither genders is wrong


But… God also wants us to follow his rules…

It's not really my place to say anything since I'm straight, but I've been thinking about this. In the Bible, homosexuality (and only homosexuality) is mentioned twice. Once, it is mentioned in Leviticus. It is surrounded by rules like you can't wear clothing made of two different materials, no shrimp, and the oddly specific if your brother in law refuses to marry you after your husband's death, you have to take his sandal off of him and slap him with it rule. Basically, the rules in Leviticus were FOR those particular people in that particular time. Now, on to the second time. Paul says it. Paul has been wrong…many times. But by the time he says it, he's fairly consistent in that he's a changed man. However, he also says around this time that women can wear head wraps to church, if they want to. He's making a lot of subjective-ish rules to set the new Christianity apart from other religions of the time. Is the banning of homosexuality part of those subjective rules, or is it just a set in stone rule from God? …I don't know. However, Jesus never once says anything about homosexuality at all. Mostly, He talks about love and loving others.

So…yeah. That's all.
crawls back to my proper place


But the doctrine states that homosexuality (and everything that goes with it) is a sin…

(I'm not trying to bash you I really do want to know)
And how does
Not having sex
Go with
Having sex/relations with the same gender?

Deleted user

scoots into the conversation
Hey guys my bisexual self is here… this is nice and cozy.

Hello fellow Bisexual.

actually i don't know what i am

probably bi


i'm just constantly confused.





I apologise. I'm trying to help overcome the obstacle of feeling guilty about sexuality, but not well apparently


scoots into the conversation
Hey guys my bisexual self is here… this is nice and cozy.

Hello fellow Bisexual.

actually i don't know what i am

probably bi


i'm just constantly confused.


@Becfromthedead group

I’m demisexual, and I kind of try to avoid talking about it with people irl because I’ve been told “it’s not a real thing. Everyone experiences attraction that way,” that sort of thing. But like… nah. I’m not attracted to people’s bodies at all, I don’t crush on people often, I’ve never had a celebrity crush, I’ve never been able to talk about “cute boys” with other girls. But the assumption is that I’m 100% straight because I have a boyfriend. Lol I guess I’ll let people keep thinking that.