forum The Cancelled Club
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Deleted user

Wisconsin made it mandatory for schools to shut after wednesday
my school was gonna go wednesday, tuesday and monday
but they cancelled wednesday
so now I only have to go tomorrow!


I honestly have no idea now if I'm doing online school, if school will start up again or if I'm straight up just done highschool I really wish my school would give us some actual information

Deleted user

Schools canceled untill two days before my birthday lets go!


i was happy that we have to do social distancing (because people, ugh) but i realized that it's not just social distancing but also quarantine so i realized i'm not allowed to go to the book store
i so freakin sad

@TeamMezzo group

and this is the last year before my best friend/first significant other moves across the country so i may have a mental breakdown i haven't decided yet

Deleted user

ye a few states are doing that. Some are even cancelling the whole year

@TeamMezzo group

mayor lightfoot has a live address in approx. one minute, 5pm CST! i recommend all chicagoans tune in, i live outside of the city but i think it's a good idea if you live in chicagoland and/or work in the city proper to tune in. it's on NBC 5.


My classes are cancelled until September, apparently I'm starting online classes on Monday, my grad is cancelled or post-poned I don't know yet, and final exams are still supposed to happen so that's not ideal


i feel like freakin rapunzel right now because from my time in quarantine i’ve read 13 books, painted 11 things, made 3 pairs of earrings, listened to approximately 6 different musicals, watched 3 bootlegs, and i’m currently in the middle of making a (very crappy) dress.

@Pickles group

Well Tangled Rapunzel only had three books and didn't have the rest of that, so you're largely ahead of her. Minus the candle making and other hobbies


Well Tangled Rapunzel only had three books and didn't have the rest of that, so you're largely ahead of her. Minus the candle making and other hobbies

ooh maybe i’ll make candles tomorrow

@TeamMezzo group

I don’t go to public school but my school is closed until at least April 6 (probably longer) do can I join?

it's just the canceled club, who cares where you're canceled. so long as you're out of school, then you're good.

@TeamMezzo group

mayor lightfoot has a live address in approx. one minute, 5pm CST! i recommend all chicagoans tune in, i live outside of the city but i think it's a good idea if you live in chicagoland and/or work in the city proper to tune in. it's on NBC 5.

In case you were unable to tune in last night, here's a rundown of Mayor Lightfoot's address:
Mayor Lightfoot created an executive order that you must stay home if you are sick unless seeking food, shelter, medical assistance, or other essential items. If you violate the order, there will be consequences.
She also released an update on CPS: if you are a Chicago Public Schools Student, your school is closed until April 20th. Your first day back, as of now, is Tuesday, April 21st. I, personally, would recommend going to or your school's homepage to find out more information.
She also made many important steps to help city residents. However, I know that these are more for adults and taxpayers, so I will not include them here. However, you can read Mayor Lightfoot's address in its entirety here:
I will be keeping tabs on the city proper, the suburbs, and NWI areas, so if you have any questions pertaining to the Coronavirus and how it's affecting those places specifically, don't be afraid to shoot me a pm.
Thank you for listening to my rant.

Deleted user

Yesterday I walked around outside in the rain holding a jar and collecting therainwater.

I got some looks.

Witch bitch