forum The Cancelled Club
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people_alt 62 followers

@Pickles group

I haven't really even started self quarantine yet, I just haven't left my house since Friday. We officially start no school tomorrow, and we don't start online until Friday

Deleted user

We don't have online, mostly 'cause the first week is spring break then the week after is canceled.

Deleted user

Orange County is just done, gives me more time to do school work anyhow

Deleted user

I mean, someone died in Orange County so it's probs gonna be canceled for a while.

@HighPockets group

Y'all really be canceling by district edit: county. I'm dumb… Our governor was like "CaNcEl!1!!1!"

Our governor cancelled school post-Wednesday, but Dane County (and my town in particular) have had cases so the whole county's schools got cancelled.

@saor_illust school

Honestly I just realised how close we're going to be to the end of the school year by the time, or if we ever get back. Now I'm kinda worried about not getting to go back to school now. Like, I don't actually want to go to some classes, but there are some classes that I do enjoy that make the others worth it. Plus, I still have those state tests I have to do…

Deleted user

work experience was cancelled and i’m probably gonna lose my job because of the fucking economy so this is really fun guys.