forum The Best Chat (prob not but im bored. talk to me)
Started by @Pandapocalypse

people_alt 3 followers

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The pyramids in Egypt have the same base measurements as those in Mexico.
The Latin name of weed, cannabis, means literally, "the dog twice", "double dog", or "two dogs" by translation.
Lucifer and Satan are in fact two different figures, Lucifer being the demon prince of pride, while Satan is the demon prince of wrath.
Ninjutsu contrary to popular belief, is mostly psychology, escape artistry, guerilla warfare, smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand, impersonation and reconnaissance, with very little actual martial arts and assassination in it.
All CPR dummies have the face of a French girl found dead in the water.
The Emancipation Proclamation happened on Jan 3rd 1863.
The salamander capable of regeneration, the axlotl, does so by setting part of it's brain to treat the severed limbs it loses as underdeveloped fetus limbs, and regrow them using STEM cells.
You know how in shows where a character has a sword "forged in the blood if their enemies", well while they usually mean that it was quelled in the blood, but if it were made out of the blood of their enemies, they would have to say 400 grown men to get enough iron (from their blood) to make it.
Speaking of the letter 400, that's just under the number of men that an unnamed Viking berserker killed in a battle on a bridge way back then, this is the world record most people killed by one person in a single battle.
The sperm whale can breathe in as much air as can fill the inside of a car.
To dodge a bullet you'd have to move 25.5 times faster than the fastest man.

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Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories… my type of working out.

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Housecats are proportionately physically superior to tigers.

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He's wondering where u are!

u sure? He's still invisable for me

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Jumping spiders are strong enough that if scaled to our size they coullift 25,000 pounds.

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Jumping spiders are strong enough that if scaled to our size they coullift 25,000 pounds.


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The Ichiraku ramen place in Naruto is a real place that the author used to frequent in his college days.

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There are beetles able to lift more than the average man.

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Thoughts travel at 120 m/s. An arrow shot from a bow is twice that fast.

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There are biological changes that must be made for size. A mouse's cells and metabolism moves several times faster than an elephants, so enlarging a mouse up to that size would cause it to overheat. The same thing goes for shrinking an elephant down like a mouse, only in reverse.