forum The afterlife in your stories?
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

What is the afterlife like in your story? Explain in great detail you will!

Deleted user

my afterlife consists of 3 rings, the outside ring the people who lived a happy life and were good people, the middle ring people who lived a regular life not making a huge change on the world and last, the center ring the most hell like everyone bad goes there

Deleted user

It varies. For vampires, the afterlife is an eternal conquest for blood. For the Magus, you must climb a mountain carrying the souls of those you wronged in your lifetime. For humans and dwarves, it's your standard heaven and hell, for the Anima, you're in a desert and you must journey across it to get to the afterlife, which is apparently a place of healing and tranquility and acceptance, since those who do wrong deserve a place of redemption more than most and forgiving people is good and all that. Haven't managed to come up with much for other races, but those are the main ideas.


My afterlife is where the People are reunited with the Peoples of the other worlds before. You have no physical form, so no bodily functions (yes, all of them gone) and time doesn't really exist. The newly dead (waiting souls) will first learn to make peace with themselves, in absolute isolation. The first stage is like reliving your life, the good and the bad. It's like experiencing everything again, like dreams, except you know they are all dreams. The second stage you will be in the same area (size is not really a concept) as other waiting souls and you must seek forgiveness from others and forgive others. Then you enter the Field, where all the other dead are. The afterlife is a place of learning, where you have access to all knowledge of the world. However, the different Peoples are very far apart, or so it seems (remember size is relative), and most will never get to meet the other Peoples. The immortals, once dead, can no longer interact with the living, and can only watch, until the day where the barriers between the worlds are the thinnest. The mortals, however, can still help their descendants in great times of need, lending their energy or guiding them with dreams.

OK that was long


I haven't developed anything really, the only thing I know is that the afterlife is a hectic bureaucracy run by a perennially stressed and worn out Death who really just needs a cup of coffee and a beach vacation.

Deleted user

Neato! Death in my story is one of the Five Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse, she has a big ego and is annoyingly flirtatious. War has a really bad temper and rarely tolerates others, Famine has bad manners and ignores people all the time, Pestilence (AKA Disease, Plague, etc) is always zoning out and can only focus on one thing at a time or otherwise not focus at all, and Chaos is never on time and is bad at organizing events, or really organizing anything else. Yeah, probably didn't need to chatter on about my story, sorry.

Deleted user

Death: {Walks into room} Horsewomen, thank you very much.
Me: {Facepalm} No more breaking the 4th wall for you!

Deleted user

First off, I'd like to say that my afterlife is incredibly detailed and developed. There's no way I could possibly fit all of it into one reply… Where should I start? Heaven? Hell? Judiciary? Limbo? Purgatory? (Yes Limbo and Purgatory are different.) Reincarnation? Angels? Demons? Soul Sowers/Reapers? Ghosthood? Or the Astral Fields?

Deleted user

Alright, so basically it's what happens when a soul refuses to go into the afterlife with all it's go-to. If it succeeds, it will become a ghost, tied to a person, place or thing. Only supernatural creatures and other spirits can see ghosts, as well as psychics and sorcerers. They can enter and exit the Astral Fields at will. That's really all.


My god of death sits as eternal judge and send souls to one of four places. Heaven awaits those who do more good than bad in their life and Hell is the opposite. The Abyss is for the particularly dangerous beings who commit the most heinous crimes or give themselves to demonic overlords. If you did really neither good nor bad while you were alive, he keeps you with him in his grand clock tower to aid in the flow of time, life, and death. Some souls slip between the cracks and go into Limbo (a black, featureless world) to wander alone for all eternity.

Deleted user

Limbo is a world where neutral humans, as well as vampires, therianthropes, and other supernatural things go after death. Ghosts can pass to and from here at will by "slipping in and out of the cracks" of it. It takes the form of a large urban city, surrounded by a dense wilderness. Most animals go here too. It can seem quite gritty and dystopian.