forum Thanks to the first responders.
Started by @chaos_generator_13 language

people_alt 49 followers

@chaos_generator_13 language

Thank you so much for the nurses, doctors, and first responders who put their lives and health at risk every day to make sure that we are safe. If you want to put thanks here, feel free.

Deleted user

My science teacher is actually one! He had to take a brake from "school" (Online school)


Thanks for the mention, but seeing as I had to spend most of the rest of my internship in quarantine due to unconfirmed corona symptoms, I don't know that I really got to help out very much…

Deleted user

even if you only helped out for a little, we'd still like to thank you
it's because of people like you that humanity hasn't collapsed in on it's self

@saor_illust school

even if you only helped out for a little, we'd still like to thank you
it's because of people like you that humanity hasn't collapsed in on it's self
