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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Lol okay. Someday it won’t be cool to chill with your big brother…


Someday you'll care about if you're cool or not. And that day is never. I don't want to be cool. Because if you're cooler than me, then does that make me hotter than you?

Deleted user

What. I’m confused. Yes it does. I was saying one day Rhett will grow and realize that his big brother is his best friend and then he’ll ditch me

Deleted user

Because he’ll find new friends and realize his big bro isn’t that cool. It’s a thing.


Takes you by the shoulders and shakes you Nooooo, I won't let that happen. You can't let that happen because even if he does leave he will always come back to you.

Deleted user

Sobs harder I love him…Sniff… sooo muuccchhh

Deleted user

That means. A lot he needs to know people love him.

Deleted user

I shall. Lol. It’s really cool how people on here care so much for people they’ve never met


Well, why do you think we keep coming back? Staying up for god knows how long? Because we care. About each other. The people we meet. They become our friends. Real life or not. Someone we can talk to. Someone to rely on without worrying about judgment because they don't know you. It's like an online therapist.


So do I. As I said, I have auditions in the morning and then for my birthday, which is Monday, my family got me tickets to see Chicago! Imma be busy tomorrow.

hey!!! my birthday is monday too!!
happy birthday birthday twin!


Also, hi everyone, I'm awake now
I'm v v glad that Rhett is doing better (it sounds like)
and I'm bummed that I missed the road trip to the hospital
but I'm glad that you're doing better too Ty

Deleted user

Thank you so much guys. I really needed someone last night and I got a whole team of people in return. Amazing.