forum Tell me what's good guys, I'm curious!
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 13 followers


Tell me about yourself, tell me everything and anything about yourself. If you want to get personal, that's aight, if not, that's good too. I'm interested, also, I have a few specific questions.

#1 Your best personality trait.
#2 Your worst personality trait.
#3 Opinion on society.
#4 What are qualities you believe the perfect person would possess?
#5 What are qualities you believe the worst person would possess?
#6 Fandom's?
#7 What are you most talented at?

If you don't want to answer, just don't, you're good. Thanks.


1 - I'd say my loyalty
2 - I can be pretty selfish sometimes (but if you think about it, pretty much everyone is selfish from time to time)
3 - We could do better
4 - Loyalty, kindness, humor. They'd also have to have flaws because I hate people who are too perfect
5 - Arrogance and the delusion that they are good at everything when they're really not
6 - Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters (book series), Riverdale, Marvel, DC, Brooklyn 99, The 100, Hunger Games, Vampire Academy, School for Good and Evil and probably way more that I can't think of at the moment
7 - Breathing (but sometimes I even mess that up)


  1. Kindness? I love doing things for people, and sometimes I randomly clean the kitchen for my mom. I’d say I’m generous.
  2. I’m manipulative. I trick people and get them to do stuff.
  3. We’re trying.
  4. FUNNY, smart, thoughtful, likes to cuddle.
  5. Prideful, powerful, sociopath, manic.
  6. Supernatural, Sherlock, Harry Potter, PJO/HOO, Hamilton, Stranger Things, Once Upon A Time, and probably others.
  7. Running or climbing trees.


  1. I think it would be my openness to new ideas and constant wish to understand other points of view
  2. I often times get so side tracked and distracted I forget about what the people around me need and afterwards I feel really bad about not listening to them.
  3. there are many issues, hopefully we survive long enough to fix them (I am super cynical, if you couldn't tell ;)
  4. Accepting and a little crazy, can't be too perfect like above. They need some flaws that make them even better.
  5. Too prideful to look past themselves, unwilling to compromise/see other points of view.
  6. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson(and everything else related to Percy Jackson), Marvel and DC, and probably anything else that I see!
  7. eh….

Deleted user

1: Intelligence. (Does that even count?)
2: My shyness. I can't even start a conversation.
3: Ehhh, we're failing
4: Somone who is loyal aka, is willing to endure my non-stop bullshit and doesn't care about appearances. (I'm a potato.)
5: Prideful
6: Don't get me started… Oh no its too late…
Pjo, Hoo, Svtfoe, Divergent, Warriors, Under the dome, Stranger things, THG, Fnaf, Batim, Gone, VLD, Undertale, Sonic, Mario, DDLC, Yandere simulator, TKC…
7: Being that one kid, who never talks and if they do, it's non-stop bullshit about a plot and character designs.


1 and 2. Something I've noticed about me is that I seem like a walking contradiction. One contradiction is that my best personality trait is also my worst flaw: my strong will and loud mouth. I was a huge bully when I was younger. I didn't care about the feelings of others, and since my feelings never got hurt, no one could stand up against me emotionally. It made them feel attacked and I just didn't see why the world was so misunderstanding of me. :P I've had to learn the very hard way. But it can be used for good, like standing up for the weak, standing up to other bullies, and standing up for what I believe in.
3 We're doing well compared to the overall history of the planet.
4 Kindness, selfless bravery, intelligence, positive attitude, sense of humor
5 Everything opposite of above
6 None… I don't really participate. But I'm all alone in the Queen's Thief series fandom. XD
7 I guess… I'm kind of a jack of all trades (not really) master of none. But I like drawing and writing and playing piano and competing in debate and doing all things sporty, and I like to think I'm pretty good at them.

Deleted user

1 I'm not sure. Maybe my self-awareness?
2 Jealousy/selfishness
3 People are stupid and we're screwing everything up
4 Humble, kind, has a sense of humour, loyal
5 Bigoted, unwilling to compromise, makes statements/opinions on things they don't understand/aren't educated on, needlessly cruel/sadistic
6 Marvel, anime (that isn't really a fandom in and of itself but there are too many to list), books (again there are too many), Sherlock, and Doctor Who
7 Crickets


Best trait: compassion and empathy

Worst trait: easily arrested by fear

Hot take on society: people are inherently good and loving, but capitalism and REDACTED is ruining us as a global society

Qualities of a perfet person: loving, understanding, sense of humor that doesn't rely on harming people

Qualities of the worst person: refusing to learn about the world and the people in it, and basing your world view off of what you're told about others rather than knowing for yourself

Fandoms: Undertale, Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Yu Yu Hakusho

Talents: conveying believable emotions through my writing, breaking down complex ideas to explain to others


  1. My best personality trait is probably my kindness, I'm sometimes doing something nice for people.
  2. To contradict that, I tend to be somewhat vicious as all hell to be real.
  3. I could take it or leave it, really.
  4. Intelligence, strength, above average moral correctness, supporting equality, diversity and freedom for ALL people.
  5. Stupidity, weakness, amorality, prejudiced discrimination of others in general.
  6. Dragonball/Z/GT/Super, Spawn, The Boondocks (the comic is better), Supernatural, Marvel, DC, JJBA, Rick and Morty.
  7. I'm very good with science and history, I'm in excellent mental and physical condition, I'm good at driving, and at climbing and swimming, and I actually taught myself to draw, paint, and use the guitar and piano, plus I'm good at a few more things that you wouldn't believe as well.


1: My tolerance
2: I'm too impulsive and reckless (and I say things that I don't want to say)
3: Let's be glad there is a society at all, but I think we should seriously improve
4: Loyalty, kindness, humor, optimism
5: Selfishness, arrogance, lying
6: Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games, School For Good And Evil, Warriors, Harry Potter, The Selection, Marvel…
7: Climbing trees. (don't laugh.)


  1. Finds the right time to laugh
  2. I'm quite old-fashioned and I am not apt to change.
  3. I prefer to stay out of society, as it is a burning hellscape of hatred, jealousy, and wrongdoing. I think It's just the way people are nowadays.
  4. They would have a good sense of humour, be a total geek, I'm not sure what else
  5. (K so this is a rant) Boisterousness, arrogance, irreverence, disrespect, stupidity, close-mindedness, worshipping rappers, and being a general meathead.
  6. Hmm… Fire Emblem, Dungeons and Dragons, The Adventure Zone, MBMBaM, and a handful I'm not comfortable sharing yet.
  7. Listening to those who have something valuable to say.

@Becfromthedead group

#1- Openness to other views/inquisitiveness when I don't understand others
#2- I'm a big coward. I hate taking risks, and I'm sure it's hurt me more than once.
#3- Generally self-interested, because that's just human nature, but a lot of people are really trying to do good in the world
#4- Openness, kindness, healthy amount of confidence, independence of beliefs from anyone else
#5 Disrespect towards everyone, no regard for human life, ridiculously full of themselves, kisses up to everyone
#6 (I'll include fandoms besides just books too) The Raven Cycle, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Fire Emblem, Pokemon
#7 Piano and music composition


1) Incredible loyal/listen well
2) I'm so introverted people barely realize I'm there/horrible at conversation
3) People want to do good, but they're not necessarily doing a great job at it.
4) Loyal, smart, kind, compassionate, and humorous.
5) Backstabbing, cruel, abusive, selfish, careless.
6) I like a bunch of stuff, but I can't get too focused or obsessed on stuff. I have a tiny attention span, lol.
7) Photography, doodling, school stuff, acting (for theater)

@The Seliph-loving Gryffindor who also loves dragons and cats

#1 Loyal, friendly online, loves animals,
#2 Easily stressed, anti-social in real life, a bit narcissistic
#3 I hate how everyone doesn't accept differences
#4/5 No one's the best or the worst… okay there are some people worse than others.
#6 Fire Emblem, Warriors, Harry Potter, Disney, Pokemon, My Little Pony, Wings of Fire
#7 Drawing, writing, sleeping


#1 I don't think I have one even
#2 I'm manipulative, moody, impulsive, I have a lot of pent up anger, therefore I'm quick to anger
#3 Society is fucked up and a lot needs to change
#4 Compassionate and sensitive to others, yet they are reasonable and can see the big picture
#5 Impulsive and arrogant
#6 Harry Potter, The Hunger Games
#7 Nothing. I suck at everything


1.) My friends always saw i'm like a mother to them because I take care of them so I guess that
2.) I am sometimes too quiet and have very strong opinions on things
3.) Society is always gonna be a shithole, but you just gotta get used to that shithole
4.) Smart, kind, loyal, caring
5.) very intelligent, manipulative, a face you can trust, controlling, messed up head, no empathy
6.) Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil, Be More Chill, Little Shop Of Horrors, Dolls Of New Albion, All The Wrong Questions, Series Of Unfortunate Events, Chicago, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Doctor who, and a few too many more
7.) Crochet and ballroom dancing


I respond with 'Egg' to all other numbers, except the one about fandoms.

Personal fan of Sherlock Holmes, because of it's potential. (Also Benedict Cumberbatch… in general)

Also, worst character trait is inconceivable time lapsing