forum Tell Me Things You Know!!!
Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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So you know a lot about a certain subject? One specific type of science? An obscure historic event? Just random fun facts that have nothing to do with each other? TELL. ME. I am extremely interested in listening to people rant about things I don't know about and learning new things!!! Please!!! I want to know things!!!

@Knight-Shives group

(just a random fact)
THe college football game had 300 cameras at it's halftime show, the stage used for the band imagine dragons was more state of the art then the super bowl halftime show set up.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Napoleon was making a conquering sweep through Spain, when he was forced to stop and siege a single town by the name of Zaragoza. The people refused to give up, even though they were just villagers against Napoleon's army.
They fought them off the first time and were completely destroyed in the second. Nonetheless, an uprising lead by mere villagers held Napoleon's army from June 1808 to February 1809.
Of the 32,000 men at the start of the siege only 8,000 survived.
Their spirit of never giving up inspired me so much I created a character (Zaralinda Gozan) in honor of them.


On November 2nd 1932, the amazing people of Australia went to war with a huge flightless bird.. the Emu. They ended up losing the 8 day war.

That is so Australian


On November 2nd 1932, the amazing people of Australia went to war with a huge flightless bird.. the Emu. They ended up losing the 8 day war.

That is so Australian

I am very proud of my country. Accept for the government. It’s the equivalent to the defence against the dark arts job in Harry Potter. It’s honestly an embarrassment.


For anyone interested, I know the different types of mushrooms and a bunch of lichen facts…

the most enthusiastically unenthusiastic voice the planet has ever heard …Did someone say… A MUSHROOM (it's an inside joke)

@HighPockets group

The shortest term as U.S. president was that of William Henry Harrison, who died a month after taking the Oath of Office because he caught pneumonia during his inaguration speech.


The shortest term as U.S. president was that of William Henry Harrison, who died a month after taking the Oath of Office because he caught pneumonia during his inauguration speech.

I knew that


Fun fact: The phrase "Blood is thicker than water", meaning family is greater than friends, originates from "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", meaning the friendships you form through faith are greater than the ones formed by family. Boom.

@Mercury Beta Tester

The shortest term as U.S. president was that of…

On the subject of dead leaders, Spencer Perceval is the only British Prime Minister to have been assassinated (Doesn't apply to monarchs though, we've had loads of regicides here).

@HighPockets group

8 US presidents have died in office, 4 of assassination (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy) and 4 of illness (Harrison, Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Taylor)