forum Tell me stories of your parents so that I can feel better.
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 3 followers


My mom says she loves me, and she does, to an extent. If I say anything, anything to my support of something she doesn't like, she explodes on me. I try to see from both sides because INFP powers but the opposite side triggers her so much… there's no fixing it.





But still

She doesn't let me drink soda (which is understandable) but she has like 2 glasses of it for EVERY MEAL and she doesn't even let me have half a glass for dessert. Which is weird, because she keeps complaining about how fat she is and how she needs to lose weight.

@Becfromthedead group

And on the whole disagreeing thing, I will debate with my mom over politics, and I'm actually more qualified to talk than her on that stuff (plus I'm also planning on minoring in political science once I can get around to it), so those arguments are fun.
But usually it's arguing over personal choices- which I don't exactly need her opinion on because I'm an adult. I have made my own mother cry- presumably in an attempt to guilt me- and I don't feel anything when that happens, despite the fact I'm deeply empathetic.

Deleted user

I only have internet friends here on notebook. I wish she wasn't so damn "EVeRYONEs A PedOPhiILe" I'm well aware of the horribleness in the world from the number of damn times she's plugged horror stories into my ears. She breaks my spirit, breaks my open minded ness, plugs a virus into my brain that i cannot delete.

@Becfromthedead group


But still

She doesn't let me drink soda (which is understandable) but she has like 2 glasses of it for EVERY MEAL and she doesn't even let me have half a glass for dessert. Which is weird, because she keeps complaining about how fat she is and how she needs to lose weight.

It's like that sometimes. But I agree. Makes no sense.
The thing is, my mom has always been more emotionally manipulative. I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted pretty much, but I typically ate healthy because I prefer it. And choosing that self control earlier in life is a good way to do things, rather than being restricted from eating what you want, and once you become an adult, having complete access to unhealthy foods. That's how it spirals out of control.

Deleted user

She makes me hide who I really am, to her, my real self, no all of me is an abomination. I must be kind, i must obey, i must not have my own views… To be honest, the only time I'm ever myself is on here…
The only thing keeping me from downright telling her off is that she has a seizure disorder and stress can kill her.

Deleted user

Also talking to people online is okay, as long as you're not giving out info that could lead to you being stalked.



She makes me hide who I really am, to her, my real self, no all of me is an abomination. I must be kind, i must obey, i must not have my own views… To be honest, the only time I'm ever myself is on here…

thank you

for telling

me what

I was thinking

@Becfromthedead group

Honestly around senior year of high school (just last year), I kind of stopped caring what others think of me, and since then, I've become unapologetically myself. It's very freeing. However, I know something snapped in order for that to happen.

@HighPockets group

I kinda have this, but with my extended family. On my dad's sign it's fine, but on my mom's two of her brothers and their wives effectively family-divorced us and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY!! And my grandma joined them, and so for five years she only communicated via writing me letters, but then last November she came down to visit my aunt and invited me out for breakfest and acted like nothing had even happened? And she's so old and frail-ish I can't even be angry about it without feeling guilty.