forum Tell me stories of your parents so that I can feel better.
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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My parents criticize everything that I do and when I do something uncriticizeable, they ignore me. I swear, they hate me. I do something petty and they act like I killed a guy. I make a joke, they take away my favorite things. Tell me about your fam.

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My family is homophobic, strict, and controlling as well… jokes barely get by…

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They want to control who i love, who im friends with, they want to control my political and social views… I cannot wait til i get away…

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I support lgbt rights, im in love with someone they will pry from me, they're trying to pry my friends from me…


My parents say they love me, but my mom literally blatantly called me stupid.
I support LGBT and I think that other religions are wrong, but should be accepted, but my dad thinks that anyone who doesn’t believe exactly what he does is wrong.

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I believe that religion is something for the individual to choose. It's their choice and forcing them wont do any good. If they come to us its great. ^~^

@Becfromthedead group

I'm an adult, and my mom is still overbearing. My parents also fight all the time, and I'm pretty sure they're staying together for the kids.
Uhhh my mom doesn't like me having a boyfriend and thinks he's a distraction when he's actually helping me through depression and lots of tough times, and I do the same for him. And since we're old enough to marry and have been together for a while, I think it makes her even more wary.
She's also broken me down because I have an introverted personality. Has told me that people are going to think I'm stuck-up, and she's not the first person to say that. And every time I disagree with her on something- which I rarely do unless I know I'm in the right- she claims I'm "attacking her." And I have this really bad constantly lingering feeling of guilt because of how I was raised.

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My mom bluntly said to my face that she controls me. The "Honor your parents" thing only goes so far! I'm an individual, i have personal rights!

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I'm an adult, and my mom is still overbearing. My parents also fight all the time, and I'm pretty sure they're staying together for the kids.
Uhhh my mom doesn't like me having a boyfriend and thinks he's a distraction when he's actually helping me through depression and lots of tough times, and I do the same for him. And since we're old enough to marry and have been together for a while, I think it makes her even more wary.
She's also broken me down because I have an introverted personality. Has told me that people are going to think I'm stuck-up, and she's not the first person to say that. And every time I disagree with her on something- which I rarely do unless I know I'm in the right- she claims I'm "attacking her." And I have this really bad constantly lingering feeling of guilt because of how I was raised.

same except im younger.

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They call us rebellious bastards when in reality we're just scraping by, trying to make a place in the world for ourselves and plan out our own future. They chain us down and force us to do as they please. They snatch our future from us and control who we love.

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I get sad because i just want her to love and support what im interested in. I want her to support my positive relationship with my bf.

@Becfromthedead group

My mom loves me, but 1. she loves my brother more and he's becoming spoiled, and 2. she goes the wrong way about doing it.
Lmao my boyfriend's mom treats me like family though, so she's sort of mom to me.
I have a good relationship with my dad at least. I always have.


My mom literally tells me that I need to exercise and diet. I‘m 12, I don’t need to worry about that. And do you think that I don’t know that I’m overweight? She tells me that I look like a slob when I wear big clothes, even though it’s my PERSONAL PREFERENCE. And you’re the one telling me I’m fat! Do you want me to wear skin-tight crap,MOM?!?!?!


My mom loves me, but 1. she loves my brother more and he's becoming spoiled, and 2. she goes the wrong way about doing it.
I have a good relationship with my dad at least. I always have.


I mean, my dad's still critical, but it's not too horrible.

@Becfromthedead group

Telling a 12-year-old to exercise occasionally to keep in good health is okay. But telling them to diet and that they're overweight is not… You're still growing. And big clothes are good and comfortable and conservative, so no use complaining over that if you're a parent.

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My mom says she loves me, and she does, to an extent. If I say anything, anything to my support of something she doesn't like, she explodes on me. I try to see from both sides because INFP powers but the opposite side triggers her so much… there's no fixing it.