forum Tell Me About Your Life (Is it as boring as mine?)
Started by @wake-read-eat-sleep

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So, just like my username implies, I do only 4 things.
Wake up, read, eat, and sleep!
Okay, there's school, but still.

Yay! Now tell me about your life!


I wake up, I eat, I go to school, I read, I write, I eat, I sleep. Then on Thursdays I take stupid, painful allergy shots


I wake up, I shower, I eat while watching online calculus lecture, do physics homework, and the rest of my schoolwork for the day, then I sit around for a while either writing or reading or just on the internet, then I go to dance class, physics class, or something like that. interspersed is random bouts of stress and scholarship/college application stuff.


I unwillingly wake up, I eat, I go to school, I bear through school, I barely make it out alive, I go home, I eat, I go to swim practice, I swim at swim practice, I come home, I shower, I sleep. repeat from top


Haha lol I guess now that my life is actually being processed in my brain, my life is more like

Wake up late, get to school late, teacher gets annoyed, I do stuff at school, I walk home, I go online and do homework, I go outside, do some random outside stuff, then have classes, sleep, have a horrible nightmare, and repeat from the top.


Grudgingly wake up (after pushing snooze button at least once), log into the online school and work on it for a while, take a break to eat something, finish school, eat lunch (optional), stare blankly at the ceiling, listen to epic music/take pictures/write/doodle, eat supper, do dishes, go to bed, watch videos, go to sleep.
Besides youth group on Wednesdays, theater on Thursdays, and a meeting on Friday, that's about it.


I have two jobs (one keeps me up till midnight most days), I go to church every Sunday, I hang out with friends every Monday and Thursday (games inside and outside), I'm in the middle of a gap year but preparing to go to college in the fall for the first time, and I try to excersize, learn French (haha… does duolingo count?), draw, practice piano, read, and write on the side. I also am the oldest of five kids, which means I'm often babysitting, cooking, cleaning, or just playing around with them. My life is kind of typical, but I'm never bored so that's cool.


My life's crazy. But it's awesome.

I wake up, eat, study various subjects, work out, go to school (Honestly I don't do shit but my grades are tight, sooo…), I come home, study again, train again, binge on anime, and go to sleep. Sometimes I get odd jobs for money, sometimes I party. I like the city, but nature's alright too. I'm what you'd call an overachieving slacker, even if it's contradictory.

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I get up after forty minutes of struggling. I get in the car for two hours for my siblings carpooling. I come home and do my schoolwork. I get done and read or chill on my Chromebook til one. Get back in the carpool line. I nap, play Geometry dash or read. (On Mondays we rush out to the missionary center where I have PE which is like, miles away. I get done at five, eat dinner, siblings leave for cub scouts. More computer chilling.) I go back home for and hour. My Mom goes to get my sister and me and my brother chill at home. Dinner, bed. Repeat. (Sundays: Church, home linner, Awana, bed.)


Everyday of my life is different besides track practice every day, martial arts on Tuesdays and Thursdays, gym days on Monday and Wednesday and Saturday, horseback riding on Friday, and church on Sunday. This is why I never have time to hang out with friends irl.


I wake up after a night of sparse sleep, drag myself to school (neglecting to eat breakfast), fall asleep in first period, continue through hell cough cough I mean school, until I go home, do homework until 2 in the morning, and repeat. I don't have time to pursue my hobbies or interests, have fun, or have a life at all.
Recently though, I found a wonderful person who is now my girlfriend, so that's cool.


I wake up, go to school, study, do five hours worth of homework, then write. I tell everyone that I write - but I usually just spend way too much time on worldbuilding details. I wrote a five page paper on why bread is important to my story last week. My parents say I need to get a hobby to distract me from my current hobby.

Also, I play the Ukulele.