forum Talk to an Asgardian
Started by @Lady_Loki

people_alt 40 followers


If any one wants to talk to me or my twin then they can come and join I don't care if you just want to talk about anything I don't care if you join I can answer questions or give advice.

Deleted user

No Thor is not more powerful than Thanos. No one knows who is more powerful than Thanos.

Captain Marvel(?)


Why doesn't people want to talk to me did I do something mean to you guys and girls. If I did let me know and I can fix it.


I have one. Based on the concept that Thanos is in love with death (personified), what is his relationship to Asgard? what is death's relationship to Asgard?


First thing is that Thanos does not have any relationship to Asgard at all. Even if he did then he would be in the dungeon for his whole life. Second thing is that on Asgard death is called Hela which is my Niece who is so nice. Third thing is that death is a guy so that is just weird if Thanos likes him.


does anyone have any questions for me are for Loki if you do then just ask us and if you just want to talk then we can just talk


We don’t hate you!
Sometimes we just don’t have any questions or know what to talk about, and that’s perfectly fine. There’s no need to try and guilt trip people into having conversations with you, if you really want to talk to people, join some other chats and talk to us. Okay? I’m not trying to be mean, rude, or make you feel bad, I just don’t want you to get upset because your chat hasn’t taken off.
No one here hates you.
It might be best to simply let this chat die, people aren’t as interested in it anymore. That doesn’t mean they hate you or don’t want to talk to you, it just means they’re out of questions for Loki.

I’m going to say this one more time, we don’t hate you. Alright? Okay. Glad we got that over with.

(I’m sorry if I sounded mean or something, I really do care about you <3 and I don’t want you to be sad, that’s all)


We don’t hate you!
Sometimes we just don’t have any questions or know what to talk about, and that’s perfectly fine. There’s no need to try and guilt trip people into having conversations with you, if you really want to talk to people, join some other chats and talk to us. Okay? I’m not trying to be mean, rude, or make you feel bad, I just don’t want you to get upset because your chat hasn’t taken off.
No one here hates you.
It might be best to simply let this chat die, people aren’t as interested in it anymore. That doesn’t mean they hate you or don’t want to talk to you, it just means they’re out of questions for Loki.

I’m going to say this one more time, we don’t hate you. Alright? Okay. Glad we got that over with.

(I’m sorry if I sounded mean or something, I really do care about you <3 and I don’t want you to be sad, that’s all)

Thanks i wasn't trying to make people talk to me at all I was just wondering because I know some people don't like me. You are now my best friend.