forum Talk to an Asgardian
Started by @Lady_Loki

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@Mercury Beta Tester

Is Hela truly dead? I've heard theories that she's still alive!
If Hela came back, what would you do? Do you think you'd ally together against Thanos?


Hela is truly dead. Even though she is the goddes of death she is dead for the rest of the nine realms and even if she does come back to life I would fight against Thanos becasue he was the one who controlled my twin Loki so me and him are going to be fighting with the Avengers.


Well if you must know Lady CrazedGirl I am not the real Loki I am his twin sister. I am sometimes called Loki but my real name is Lexi I have the same powers as my twin but I have more powers but I never use them because I they are really bad.


Well mortal I started this on my phone till I got a laptop and forgot to fix it thank you for saying something I will change it. Thank you again


I hate odin with a passion because he locked me in a room away from everyone else just so that me and My twin wouldn't hurt anyone and do pranks on everybody but that still didn't stop use from seeing each other. I hate Odin because he took my twin from me.


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner this topic started acting stupid on me. Does anybody have any questions for me just ask.


Does anyone have any questions for me I can answer them for you. If you have a question for my twin brother Loki then you can ask because he is always on here.


Well lets just say that if i told you then you would have to disappear and nobody wants that now. (Loki be nice to the person or you will not be aloud on here for a whole week remember what happened the last time you were mean to someone.) Sorry Lexi I was just joking you know me so please don't take this away from me you know this is the only way that I can see if my fans are still alive and loving me.