forum Talk about yourself!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 43 followers


I might cry- I posted a poem on this website for people to criticize and people enjoyed it. this is the first thing I've ever posted online that I've written and I'm shook.


I might cry- I posted a poem on this website for people to criticize and people enjoyed it. this is the first thing I've ever posted online that I've written and I'm shook.

It's okay. Let it out. I'm pretty sure it was great. I don't think I saw it personally but I know full well the capabilities of the people on this site. And that includes you. Everyone on this site has the potential to do great things.


Man, you have now helped me with two emotional things
-an emotional breakdown
-a freak out over something great

you are amazing


Man, you have now helped me with two emotional things
-an emotional breakdown
-a freak out over something great

you are amazing

Thank you. Truly thank you. I'd like to see your poem, If you'd be so gracious as to show me. If I've overstepped my boundaries I apologize


Everyday, a young boy jumps off of the bus running home.
He ignores the laughs that his peers give him
But they didn’t know what was happening
They didn’t know why he ran
For what purpose
Who he ran for

Everyday, the young boy would run home
Hoping, praying, pleading
Begging that if someone was there
If there was a god of some sort
That his sister hadn’t killed herself
While he was at school

He accepted the laughs
He let them taunt him
He didn’t care
He would take it all
And a thousand time more
If it meant his sister was alive

Nobody knew what he went through
So he ran as fast as he could
He ran
He ran as if it were the last time he would see her
Nobody knew where he went
Why he did what he did

A week later, he stopped running


this makes me want to write more. My friend made me post something online, and after a month of it online with no comments, it put me in a writing slump, )because my writing teacher says I write differently than most of her students) so I thought people didn't like it, and then suddenly people started responding and saying it was really heartfelt and this just helps me a lot and it sounds really stupid for me thank people for reading what I write, but it just feels right.


I understand. Writing different doesn't mean writing bad. You deserve the inspiration, because your writing is truly heartfelt, touching, and grounded. Your style is reading it's rather unique, I like your free verse style.
Take this inspiration, and put that pen to paper, and you create a masterpiece dear. I know you can.


Everyday, a young boy jumps off of the bus running home.
He ignores the laughs that his peers give him
But they didn’t know what was happening
They didn’t know why he ran
For what purpose
Who he ran for

Everyday, the young boy would run home
Hoping, praying, pleading
Begging that if someone was there
If there was a god of some sort
That his sister hadn’t killed herself
While he was at school

He accepted the laughs
He let them taunt him
He didn’t care
He would take it all
And a thousand time more
If it meant his sister was alive

Nobody knew what he went through
So he ran as fast as he could
He ran
He ran as if it were the last time he would see her
Nobody knew where he went
Why he did what he did

A week later, he stopped running

That was beautiful! It touched my heart! You have talent and I'm glad you decided to share it with us!

Deleted user

My girlfriend didn’t know I posted it and was really confused on why I started crying

I'll be here for you, friend. You know where to find me.

Diddo! Group PM! (if you're comfortable)


My girlfriend didn’t know I posted it and was really confused on why I started crying

I'll be here for you, friend. You know where to find me.

Diddo! Group PM! (if you're comfortable)

I don't mind! Group PM with who?