forum Talk about yourself!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Fun fact about me:

I have not yet managed to fully memorize my multiplication tables, yet I have memorized Siri's full response to the question "What is zero divided by zero?"

Not sure how to respond to that.

It's extremely savage though, which is usually the opposite of my sense of humor but it used cookies so of course, I screenshotted the thing

I have a really weird sense of humor. Today I called my dad a boneless banana and laughed hysterically. This leads me to believe my sense of humor is broken.


And from there I just memorized it because I memorize extremely stupid things that I probably shouldn't like the backwards message to Secrets Of Wysteria

Yeah it's really cool! I certainly haven't memorized it though.


Fun fact about me:

I have not yet managed to fully memorize my multiplication tables, yet I have memorized Siri's full response to the question "What is zero divided by zero?"

Not sure how to respond to that.

It's extremely savage though, which is usually the opposite of my sense of humor but it used cookies so of course, I screenshotted the thing

I have a really weird sense of humor. Today I called my dad a boneless banana and laughed hysterically. That leads me to believe my sense of humor is broken.

I was watching a video dedicated to bad puns and unfunny jokes… I laughed through most of it. R.I.P my sense of humor, it died to the C A R R O T S


Fun fact about me:

I have not yet managed to fully memorize my multiplication tables, yet I have memorized Siri's full response to the question "What is zero divided by zero?"

Not sure how to respond to that.

It's extremely savage though, which is usually the opposite of my sense of humor but it used cookies so of course, I screenshotted the thing

I have a really weird sense of humor. Today I called my dad a boneless banana and laughed hysterically. That leads me to believe my sense of humor is broken.

I was watching a video dedicated to bad puns and unfunny jokes… I laughed through most of it. R.I.P my sense of humor, it died to the C A R R O T S

In class the other day I started laughing after the teacher said the word bovine. I just found the word so funny. Throughout the day I had people going up to me saying bovine and I would laugh. I'm actually quite embarrassed about that one. Yeah the whole school knows my sense of humor is broken.


Fun fact about me:

I have not yet managed to fully memorize my multiplication tables, yet I have memorized Siri's full response to the question "What is zero divided by zero?"

Not sure how to respond to that.

It's extremely savage though, which is usually the opposite of my sense of humor but it used cookies so of course, I screenshotted the thing

I have a really weird sense of humor. Today I called my dad a boneless banana and laughed hysterically. That leads me to believe my sense of humor is broken.

I was watching a video dedicated to bad puns and unfunny jokes… I laughed through most of it. R.I.P my sense of humor, it died to the C A R R O T S

In class the other day I started laughing after the teacher said the word bovine. I just found the word so funny. Throughout the day I had people going up to me saying bovine and I would laugh. I'm actually quite embarrassed about that one. Yeah the whole school knows my sense of humor is broken.

I just walked into my room after filling my ice water for the night and asked my siblings the greatest, punniest question ever to be spoken that definitely isn't stupid in the slightest:



I still find the word so funny! Bovine!

No. Like baby you dork!


You're my lil' baby!

Always! But what does BB mean?

It means baby.
Think about it.

Oh my gosh. I am a dork!


I still find the word so funny! Bovine!

Do you want to know another funny word?

Yes! I probably will laugh a lot.

It’s the plural of beef


I still find the word so funny! Bovine!

Do you want to know another funny word?

Yes! I probably will laugh a lot.

It’s the plural of beef

That's hilarious! Almost as funny as bovine!


I still find the word so funny! Bovine!

Do you want to know another funny word?

Yes! I probably will laugh a lot.

It’s the plural of beef

That's hilarious! Almost as funny as bovine!