forum Supernatural Q&A
Started by @bubblegum

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Most spirits stay in the guest room, or else I light their favorite thing on fire and watch it burn, sometimes I make smores.


honestly mood. if I did that peggy would get maaaaaaaaaaad and carter would probably curse mia which I don't want

Deleted user

They know not to piss me off, I may smile all the time, but I'm pretty twisted when it comes to my personal space and privacy.


I like to make friends with spirits, except the horse spirit in the woods by my house which I'm not sure how to approach rn.


They are the souls of the dead who choose to stay on earth. Spirits who choose to move on can be reborn, spend eternity in hell, or perhaps slowly become angels and demons, who are another species.

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In my opinion, most of them are just my study buddies and teachers.
A spirit is teaching me how to safely bind, so that's fun!


Aw, that's so cool! The spirits at my workplace (a history park) always complain. I got so fed up with one that I didn't leave their room for an entire day until they left for the beyond.

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Ah, chest binding, I'm trans and so is one of the ghosties, so he helps me sometimes.

@TeamMezzo group

Wait, whats binding asks the Christian raised girlie who wants to learn about everything to do with the supernatural?

ah yes, a binder, something i'm good with! basically if you're biologically female and you're dysphoric it makes your chest flat
also off-topic of binding but two alters in the system are actually spirits who've settled in carter's body, so tyler and noah are fancier than everyone else lol. what's cool though is tyler was an evil spirit who didn't wanna be evil anymore?? it was weird and cool and yeah


Depends. Ghouls are usually things that sit around moaning and complaining in basements or attics - describe what you're experiencing and maybe I can better help you?

@TeamMezzo group

okay, so there's this ASS of a spirit at my school. he's one of those types who rattles the air conditioner, blocks up the radiator, makes school a hell of a lot worse by locker-jamming and rattling, shit like that. so, the worst part of this is that i'm the only one i know of who actually can see him. the school'll think i'm nuts if i tell them. what should i do?

Deleted user

Puts away the heavily loaded gun.
I would usually say shoot him, but that won't work and I'm supposed to be nice…


I would try to make friends with it - no seriously, go up and introduce yourself. You don't have to see or hear it to do so - I instead just sense whenever I am in close proximity to a spirit, and I talk to them. Their response won't come back verbally since they have no voice box, but for me it pops up in my brain or gut. I just know what they said or what they want me to do. Normally, spirits treat you exactly how you treat them, so I would be nice to it. If it's annoying other students too, bribe it with gifts or something to quiet down.

@GameMaster group

Depends. Ghouls are usually things that sit around moaning and complaining in basements or attics - describe what you're experiencing and maybe I can better help you?

It's burrowed itself in an attic and the family is frankly unhappy about it. We're trying to get rid of it or at least transfer it to a better home but it won't budge. I'm a part of a group trying to take a more humane approach to the supernatural.

@TeamMezzo group

I would try to make friends with it - no seriously, go up and introduce yourself. You don't have to see or hear it to do so - I instead just sense whenever I am in close proximity to a spirit, and I talk to them. Their response won't come back verbally since they have no voice box, but for me it pops up in my brain or gut. I just know what they said or what they want me to do. Normally, spirits treat you exactly how you treat them, so I would be nice to it. If it's annoying other students too, bribe it with gifts or something to quiet down.

okay. thanks!


You're welcome! If that doesn't work, get more professional help, since I haven't actually interacted with the ghost.