forum Supernatural Q&A
Started by @bubblegum

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This is a discussion where you can ask questions about anything supernatural/fantasy. Werewolves, vamps, ghosts, witches, druids, faeries, angels, demons, etc. What to do with them, what they are, how to become one, and how to manage that new lifestyle.
It's a weird little niche but me and my friends are all (strictly speaking) half-humans. I have a vampire, a druid, and me and two others are witches. I'm happy to answer any of your questions to the best of my ability!


There might be a spellbook or grimoire at your local library - make sure it’s wiccan, though. There are also lots of online witchcraft sites and covens you could join, but be careful choosing the right coven for you.


Ah. Check other sources then I guess, I found my first spellbook at my library. Also did you know witches are strictly speaking considered half humans?

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Oh! Could you tell me how your friend got turned to a vampie?


I cursed him, lol. He’s the only vampire I actually trust - not that vampires are bad but a lot of them are bad for humans or other half-humans. A vampire would need to share blood as well as take it from a human for that method, and I don’t trust any others to do only that.

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Hm, which ways does he get his blood? If I may ask.


It’s ok. He gets it from the meat his parents buy. Anything else makes him nauseous and he doesn’t have an appetite often.

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Cool, can he eat human food? I know a few who can eat human food, but I also know one who is unable to eat it.

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Ah, yes, one of my friends does the same. I have a few Faeries who actually prefer to eat mortal food, they like eating all the junk.


Faeries? Are they in human form then? And living a human life? The only faeries I know arent that nice…whistling and kidnapping and that sort of thing. I’m convinced I had one as a math sub. I had to draw protection Sigils all over my homework and amulet.

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Yeah, most of them live a human life, some live in the forest behind my house. The bad ones usually stay away if I light a few homemade candles on my window sill, I've given some candles to a few changelings in my neighborhood.
I'm known as a protector and helper for most magical folk, in my town at least.


When is midsummer night, do you know? I’m going to try summoning some faeries then, hopefully make some friends. Give them gifts, that sort of thing.

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Not sure, I'm sorry, I'm dissociating a bit at the moment.


It's quite alright, I forgot google existed for a second. :) My friends and I are, for the most part, all half-humans, witches, a vampire, and a druid. From what I've heard about faeries except for you they're not that great. I'm Cancer, a water sign, so I work with Undynes and the like more. (no, not undyne from undertale. Cleverly named, though.)

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Heh, I'm pretty human, for the most part. (Note: This is mostly all I'll say on that subject.) However, I have built up a resistance to possessions, as some demons and spirits have tried, and failed, to posses me.


ooooooooooooooof I've made friends with the spirit at my house and the one at my school, who presented themselves as (no joke) Peggy and Carter, respectively. To beat the risk of getting possesed I try not to look any potential half-human that I don't know or trust - whether it be the ghost in my workplace's basement or the faerie I had for a math substitute today - in the eye.

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Probably for the better, I never back down from a challenge, so if anyone tries to harm me, I always have iron, iron salt, glass jewlrey, and other things to help add protection on me at all times.


I always have a sterling silver ring(s) with ruby and tourmaline, a blessed ribbon on my wrist, and a Wiccan necklance (a copper locket on a leather chain filled with colored rock beads). I also carry sigils scribbled on paper in my pocket.

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Cool, I don't work with sigils often, I use more runes and general yelling at spirits to leave me the fuck alone.


I always ask peggy to close the door to my room or get my ribbon or whatever and whenever I light this specific green candle she'll do it so ok peggy
carter just makes me really chilly