forum Sunny/Oakley's sweet, sweet retirement (Please read if we're rping, or if we're friends)
Started by @Oakiin

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Hey guys!
I've been so inactive on this site, I really feel like it'll just be better if I go ahead and say that I'm not going to be on the forums anymore. (Okay, maybe occasionally)
But right now, I'm in the process of mentally "moving house" so to speak, and currently I have things that are a lot higher on my priority list. I thought it would be more fair if I told you guys, rather than ghosting.
To those I'm rping with, sorry! I know I've been a pretty terrible rp partner, but thanks for all the good times, I really had so much fun!
To my friends, don't worry about never talking to me ever again, I'll still kinda be around, you'll see me here and there.

I don't want to make this seen like a sad or bad thing, I'm honestly content with it, and ready to go forth and boldly live my life. Time is short, and it's only getting shorter. I have to work right now, not later. I've got big goals, and I should have got started yesterday. Heck, I could die at any second. I have to make each moment count. And that means I gotta go.
I'm not scared of death, I'm only scared of living a pointless life. So we'll see ya around! Hopefully we can talk soon, but in the meanwhile, I'mma head out.

@saor_illust school

( @Loki_Hyakuya )

I'll miss you fren…

I hope that we'll be able to talk more in the future. But until then, farewell Sunny!
And you're right, life is short. And yeah, we should all aspire to live our lives to the fullest. But that doesn't mean I'll ever forget you!
I love you fren, and take care-


Hey, Sunny.
I'll miss you, and thanks for everything (the writing buddy thing, and the RP). I'm going to miss you, and I'm sure I won't be the only one. If/when you decide to come back, if that ever happens, feel free to message me and say hello or something, I'll probably still be here.
Good luck with everything, and stay healthy!
~ Ice

@Anemone eco

Hey, Sunflower.

I hope I'll see you again sometime. I'll miss you. If you ever decide to pop in and message me for a moment that'll be just fine. Love ya, dude. <3


I'll miss you fren…

I hope that we'll be able to talk more in the future. But until then, farewell Sunny!
And you're right, life is short. And yeah, we should all aspire to live our lives to the fullest. But that doesn't mean I'll ever forget you!
I love you fren, and take care-

I'll miss you too, thanks so much for everything :) I'll see ya around some places <3 Love you so very much, if you ever need anything, my pms will always be open and checked :)


Hey, Sunny.
I'll miss you, and thanks for everything (the writing buddy thing, and the RP). I'm going to miss you, and I'm sure I won't be the only one. If/when you decide to come back, if that ever happens, feel free to message me and say hello or something, I'll probably still be here.
Good luck with everything, and stay healthy!
~ Ice

Hey hey!
I'm going to miss you so much! I really really loved that rp we had going, it was awesome <3 Thanks for being so understanding! I'll try to keep in touch :) Feel free to pm me if you ever need anything, i'll keep track of those <3
See you around :)


Hey, Sunflower.

I hope I'll see you again sometime. I'll miss you. If you ever decide to pop in and message me for a moment that'll be just fine. Love ya, dude. <3

Imma miss you a lot, I hope we can stay in touch! I'll keep an eye out for ya ^^ love you a lot, see you around <3

@saor_illust school

I'll miss you fren…

I hope that we'll be able to talk more in the future. But until then, farewell Sunny!
And you're right, life is short. And yeah, we should all aspire to live our lives to the fullest. But that doesn't mean I'll ever forget you!
I love you fren, and take care-

I'll miss you too, thanks so much for everything :) I'll see ya around some places <3 Love you so very much, if you ever need anything, my pms will always be open and checked :)

Will do-
Good to know that we'll at least have some form of contact


Hey, Sunny.
I'll miss you, and thanks for everything (the writing buddy thing, and the RP). I'm going to miss you, and I'm sure I won't be the only one. If/when you decide to come back, if that ever happens, feel free to message me and say hello or something, I'll probably still be here.
Good luck with everything, and stay healthy!
~ Ice

Hey hey!
I'm going to miss you so much! I really really loved that rp we had going, it was awesome <3 Thanks for being so understanding! I'll try to keep in touch :) Feel free to pm me if you ever need anything, i'll keep track of those <3
See you around :)

Yeah, it was :) Of course! I'll keep that in mind, and again, if you come back, PM me and I'll answer <3
See you :)

@V01DtheFae group

It's sad to see this and at the same time I understand the feeling and your choice. Not that I wouldn't try to talk you out of it anyway


It's sad to see this and at the same time I understand the feeling and your choice. Not that I wouldn't try to talk you out of it anyway

I'll still see you around here and there <3 I'm sorry to just drop our rp like that, but I'd rather just tell you thn keep making empty promises of consistency. I really was having a great time :)


I know we don't know each other well, but I'll still miss your presence! I hope everything goes alright for you. <3

I'm going to miss you too!!!! Hopefully we'll see each other around <3 <3 Thanks so much :)