forum Suicide
Started by @Paperok

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What is your viewpoint on suicide (don't worry I'm not suicidal or anything I'm just curious on other opinions aside from my own) do you see it as a cowardly escape? An escape?


Never cowardly! It is a person's choice whether they want to end their life or not, and it's no one's business or job to tell them it's a stupid idea, because suicide is a very serious, sad thing.


Hm… this is a touchy subject.

I have a best friend whose sister committed suicide, and I have at least one other friend who I know contemplated suicide at one point. I also have a few friends who aren't necessarily suicidal, but the wrong influences could certainly push them that way.

I personally think that while suicide isn't right, people should have tremendous compassion for those who are suicidal or who committed suicide. Especially since usually a mental disorder was involved and they killed themselves because they weren't thinking straight, and also especially because a lot of the time they went through hardships. Some people have horrible lives, but I think a lot of the time they have a mental illness that can blind them from seeing how they can escape. I don't think anything that happens to someone makes it okay for them to take their own life, but that doesn't mean we should go around telling suicidal people that they're wrong for feeling that way. God forbid! Lots of the time they just don't realize how much people actually care about them and how much they'll really miss them when they're gone. My friend and her family whose sister committed suicide were devastated. I know that I would be so upset if any of my friends committed suicide. That's why I try to take extra care to pay attention to them, so that I can be there for them. I've read so many stories of people who attempted suicide but survived, and all of them said they regretted it when they were in the middle of dying. Like one man who threw himself off the golden gate bridge, and mid-air he suddenly realized he made a mistake. Death is permanent. You can always find help! There will always be someone out there who will love you! I feel like ALL of us should be those people willing to love and help.

Overall the whole thing is heartbreaking, and I wish more people would find their way away from making that decision. I'm a Christian, so I believe firmly that all human life is sacred and that there is always a way out.


As someone who has considered suicide and drew very close to it, I would say that it is not a subject to be taken lightly. I wanted to, as you said, escape from everything. As I stood there, on the verge of killing myself, I was heartbroken. I remembered my siblings, and how they would feel after finding me dead. I imagined my friends, mourning my death in days to come. Of course, I'm here now so you know that I didn't follow through.

If you're implementing suicide into a book or story, be very careful. All that I can say is that thoughts or an attempt will scar the victim tremendously. Please do our fallen brethren justice and do not make a mockery of their sacred decision.


I, for one, think that it just isn't the way. I know how people think, I know what they're thinking, trust me, I do. It's indescribably sad. They tend to think a few things! I'll address them, because I've honestly known a few suicidal people!
Some say…
"This is how I escape, I'm done with anger, I'm done with sadness, I'm done with fear, I'm done with boredome, I'm done with hate and I've had it with agony! It's over!"
And that's when I say something like…
"Yeah, but what about the good things in life! Happiness, love, pleasure! And what about your loved ones!" Usually does the trick right?
Or they say…
"I just don't know, there's no point to life, I've lost my faith, man."
To which I say something like the thing up there, and…
"Faith, eh? Then pretend like you have it, for everyone else's sake!"
Some of the more hopeless ones I've known. And yes this happens, say…
"I just want to die beautifully…"
To which I say…
"And you think old man death is beautiful?"

Sometimes I find that the best answer, is to rekindle their terror of death, and I know that sounds harsh, and it's risky, and trust me, it hurts to say, and do it… But frankly, I don't give two shits about my emotional sanity, if someone else's life is on the line… But I can't say here what I say to people or what they say back, not that this is my job, but like I say, I know people. These are summaries of what people say.


The answer is to think of everyone else, yeah? If you're ever thinking about suicide. I'm by no meqns a stranger to death, and while I'm not suicidal at all, I know.

Lighting a woods every now and then helps with suicidal tendencies! One of my best friends used to be suicidal, like, razor-blades stuck in the bathroom wall and everything. So I says, you wanna talk, let's talk! And now he's good. I mean, he's a stoner now, but, that's better than bleeding to death of your own free will.


Am I the only one here who has truly considered suicide? The sole one who has put a gun to their head and a Knife to their wrist? I know it is not so.

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@Mindful_Bison No, you're not the only one. I've attempted once, and I hate myself for it because there was literally no reason to. I was considering it for years and then one day I was at school and everything was just so overwhelming and nothing really even happened, I was just really upset and hurt and that's when that happened. I'm not going to say that I came to this huge realization that "life is great" and "my family will miss me" or whatever. Because life is still kind of empty for me. The thing that I realized is that I'm not beyond repair. I can get help, and things will get better, bit by bit.


I think people who commit suicide or even attempt it are EXTREMELY BRAVE, everyday I get told by people I'm stupid just because I'm not very grammatically correct when speaking. Generally the public think that if they can't understand it, it's 'stupid' or cowardly. But do you see them pointing guns to their heads? do you see them grabbing the kitchen knife? do you see them standing on a bridge ready to jump to a watery release? NO, you don't. As a Christian to me death is seen as a way of meeting god, people who commit suicide maybe feel just that way. I get it alright, it's serious and sure it's probably devastating. But that's all people ever do, they hear one thing, say their opinion and then let it slip out. Everyone wants to be listened to but no one ever listens. I'm sorry, truly, I am but you couldn't listen then, when it actually mattered, it took the actual significance of DEATH to make you realize that maybe you should stop and actually notice the people around you. Honestly, I could only dream of committing. If I wasn't such a big pussy I might've gotten somewhere. I don't know, I'm too stupid anyway, so you can all ignore this if you wanted too. Not that anyone listens in the first place.

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I personally don't think it's brave because I have attempted suicide myself, and I did it because I was scared. I was running from my problems. I don't see that as brave.

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(disclaimer: I am not an expert, and this could have potential misinformation, bias, or been worded poorly)
I think suicide is something nobody should do or support. Take it from somebody who considered suicide in the past, there are more options. Consult a family member about it, ask for help. and James, I have no idea what in the fuck you are doing but you should seek serious help. You must consider that people who commit, attempt, or consider suicide have families, friends, people who genuinely care about them. Even if you don't think that you have to be willing to understand that your life can change at any moment.