forum Study Tips?
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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Aren't sets those weird Venn diagrams where it's like "everything that's in B is also in A so B is equal to A but then A is not necessarily equal to B because there's something in A that's not actually in B"?


oh I've never done those I don't think
also guess who got a B- on an essay I had 3 weeks to do but chose to write it an hour before it was due


Oh, those… Yeah, I remember sets sort of
And RIP Salty….

I'm actually proud of myself, I wrote a whole essay in a fucking hour and I got a better grade than some people who worked on it for the full 3 weeks
although this is also kind of bad because I will probably never not procrastinate again

@Becfromthedead group

That's good… but also don't procrastinate!!! It took me so long to break the habit, and even now, I put off things until like 3 days before… That's bad enough.


That's good… but also don't procrastinate!!! It took me so long to break the habit, and even now, I put of things until like 3 days before…

3 days is a long ass time for me, I can get a lot done then. And I can't really break the habit at this point because I'm so efficient when it comes to procrastination and I don't get creative until I panic


Were learning about sets in my math class and I dont really understand it.

Wait a minute; that was the one unit I was really good at. What exactly do you need help with?