forum Strange fears.
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Deleted user

I have a childish fear of the dark

Same here. There is something about not being able to see clearly that stresses me out. When I was younger I would actually be so terrified I would begin to shake uncontrollably. It's better now, but I am still scared of the dark.
I also have a fear of loosing my hearing. When I cant be 100% sure of my surroundings my flight or fight response kicks in. Also, permanent silence? No thank you.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My fears? Being attacked by a bear, flogged by a rooster, bugs in general, geese, and the final two, drumroll please: falling through ice and getting trapped underneath the ice, and drowning, and then falling and drowing in tar, alone and in the dark. Ta daaaaaa!

Deleted user

I'm scared of getting old. Maybe more like I'm scared that when I get old people will decide I'm useless and unnecessary and no one will care about me.


I think I’m scared of guns? The majority of my nightmares involve guns in a major way. Identifying what I’m scared of exactly is slight difficult.

Deleted user

I’m downright scared of those manholes and drains that are in the middle of city streets. I won’t even put a toe on one scared it would break when I walk on it and fall down the hole. I think it started because of a documentary I watched about sink-holes when I was little, but my mom says it’s because I don’t like heights. Whatever the reason, I can’t touch them.


I'm scared of getting old. Maybe more like I'm scared that when I get old people will decide I'm useless and unnecessary and no one will care about me.

Bro not to be that person but getting old will be AWESOME. It's a level up to like grand master or something.

@sock group

I'm terrified of bugs' legs, eyes, and wings (if they have any). There's just something about them that I absolutely hate.

Deleted user

Bugs in general are devil spawn. Like why are they so frickin terrifying?? Also, why do they spread diseases and suck your blood like frickin vampires??? That just isnt right!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

How I handle it is that I have a really old croc (the shoe, not the animal) and there is a piece of duct tape down the side, and it is labelled THE CROC OF DOOM and when there's a bug in the house that needs to be eliminated, my sis and I start chanting croc of doom croc of doom croc of doom, until the bug is squished. Then we have a victory celebration after the death of said bug.

Deleted user

That sounds like a glorious tradition. I approve of that.

Meanwhile I throw a flip flop at the bug and if it doesnt die I scream for my dad cause I am not getting anywhere close to that nasty.

@sock group

I, being an idiot, usually try to blow the bug in a different direction. This is almost always a bad idea, especially when the bug is on wall because it falls down and I lose sight of it.

@Mojack group

I think it’s kind of a rational fear, but I’ve told some people who think it’s strange so:

I’ve got a fear of showering during thunderstorms. Doesn’t matter how bad it is or how quiet etc, if I hear a bit of thunder I’m washing the rest of the shampoo/conditioner out of my hair and jumping out.

It’s weird because I like thunderstorms overall, but when it comes to me being the shower…I’m out of there. Always have had this fear.


Kind of same, but it's because the power cut out while I was showering during a storm once and it was awful XD

Deleted user

^^^ Same. It was a struggle to find my clothes and quite terrifying cause it was pitch black in my bathroom.

Deleted user

I'm also scared of needles, which is actually a really common fear, but I'm scared of needles to the point where I have to leave the room when the blood drive commercial comes on. I have no problem with seeing blood, just needles.