forum Strange fears.
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Deleted user

Not sure if this already exists, but I didn't see it.
So, I have this weird fear of drawing people looking forwards at me. I don't know, it's just creepy. I always draw characters looking to the side or at 3/4 turn because when they look straight out at me I feel weird.


Isn't that a belief the Ancient Egyptians had? I think they thought if a person was depicted fully it would come to life and kill you, or something along those lines. I also heard a Japanese myth once that talked about how if you paint/draw eyes onto something you made, you're giving it a soul. There's another story kind of like that (but I think it's Korean?) called 'The Boy who drew Cats.'
…This is probably not helping your fear, sorryyy


If it helps, I'm afraid of wearing rings with decorative stones of any kind, because I'm afraid that someone will try to rob me and I'll punch them and the ring will break my finger

Deleted user

I'm scared of loosing my teeth. Like when I have those dreams of my teeth falling out, I wake up in an absolute panic.

Also yeah, I'm also scared of wearing rings, but because of what happened to Jimmy Fallon. I legit stopped wearing rings after that.

Deleted user

Umm…I dont know lol. I'll put it in a spoiler. It's there if you wanna read it.

@LittleRiver local_movies

I’m deathly afraid of silence? If that makes sense? Which is why I know so much music because I literally never turn it off. It’s the most irrational fear, but it’s there.


Umm…I dont know lol. I'll put it in a spoiler. It's there if you wanna read it.

Rings are overrated anyways, I guess this way Sauron will never get me addicted to speaking in third person

Deleted user

I’m deathly afraid of silence? If that makes sense? Which is why I know so much music because I literally never turn it off. It’s the most irrational fear, but it’s there.

DUDE SAME. I thought I was the only one. I'm an insomniac, so I dont really sleep, but when I get the chance, I have to sleep during the day when others are up or else the silence freaks me out and I cant sleep.

@LittleRiver local_movies

I’m deathly afraid of silence? If that makes sense? Which is why I know so much music because I literally never turn it off. It’s the most irrational fear, but it’s there.

DUDE SAME. I thought I was the only one. I'm an insomniac, so I dont really sleep, but when I get the chance, I have to sleep during the day when others are up or else the silence freaks me out and I cant sleep.

Hey, me too :D. That’s why I bought myself a lil desk fan because it’s great white noise. Otherwise I normally just put on some music and fall asleep with it. Lo-if tracks are the bomb if that’s what I need to do lol

Deleted user

Yes! Lo-fi beats are glorious to listen to when I need to sleep!


I'm DEATHLY afraid of getting lost in space. Not just the concept though. Of me. Who has no plans of becoming an astronaut. Getting lost in space. And for the record? I ADORE space. One of my all-time favorite things.
I think that has to do with my fear of abandonment, which is to the point where people walking away from me triggers some anxiety. It's gotten a LOT better as I get older, but I hate being left behind.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Yes! Lo-fi beats are glorious to listen to when I need to sleep!

Lo-fi hiphop beats to study to? More like Lo-fi hiphop beats to sleep to

That sounded funnier in my head.

Deleted user

Fields of grass. Seriously they freak the shit outta me. We have a huge field behind our house and it is filled with ticks and wetlands. I just hate fields. But like soccer, football, ect. fields are fine. But the ones with tall grass and arent properly trimmed are the devil's land.

@LittleRiver local_movies

Oh i have another. Flat land.
Like desert type? When you can look and see nothing for literal miles. And no matter in what direction you walk for how long, it’s just nothing. Like the SCP Red Reality I guess? But earth..? It simultaneously makes me wanna explore it, but also makes me oddly uncomfortable. It’s not a fear, more like an… interesting anxiety quest.

Deleted user

To be lost in the desert is a terrifying thought. It's like being lost in space, kinda. Just unable to find your way around is so scary to me. I have a horrible sense of direction. So that makes it worse. Seriously…I got lost while playing laser tag before ._.

Deleted user

GameMaster, you are very lucky to be only afraid of bees. I am terrified of nearly everything.

Deleted user

Some people are scared of bears and stuff, nope. I'm scared of humans. They're not even birds but they have two legs. What's up with that?