forum Speak My Children! (Character Chat)
Started by @Darkblossom group

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"So, Cinnamon, was it? How'd you end up here?" Phoenix directed the question towards the girl, curious as to how she got herself into this situation. He watched Scrip scuttle off in search of food and a flame, wondering silently what and how these beings hunted.

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"Cinn, please," She corrected. "Mum kicked me out of the house. I went into the woods, passed out, wandered some more and then found myself in a circle of Scorpions, like Scorpio here. He saved me," She explained. "What about you?"


"Ah. Cinn. My bad," Phoenix chuckled at his own silliness. "Sounds like a wild ride. I seemed to have come here in more conventional means compared to your way. To make a long story short, I was teleported here," he spoke so nonchalantly it was almost as if he was simply talking about driving a car.

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"I see," She looked back at the ground. "I had a bit of help from the rabbits. They told me about a magical place. I meant to go there, but y'know stuff happened," She said this like it was normal for rabbits to talk.

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio looked at the two humanoids.
“I will be right back.” He pushes on a part of the wall, and it moves, revealing that it was actually a boulder. He shoves it to the side, and you see another room with discarded skins that probably came from molting.

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"'Kay! Have fun!" Cinnamon looked over to where Scorpio had disappeared. "This is an interesting place…"


"I wonder if it hurts to shed…" Phoenix accidentally pondered aloud as he spotted a few crumpled molts along the floor of the other room. His eyes widened as he realized he indeed said that out loud, and slowly turned to Cinn with a cheeky smile.

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio came back out of the room carrying a piece of a molted skin.
“I have no idea. We hibernate when we molt. It takes about four seasons.”

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"Jeez. I wouldn't be able to miss that much," Cinn thought aloud. She grinned to no one in particular. "Can I look at look at one?"


"Ah. Well that's certainly interesting still, uh… Scorpio, was it?" Phoenix tilted his head, looking the Scorpon over as innocently as he could. "I doubt anything poses a threat to you. That's what allows you to shed for four seasons with no fear or repercussions, right?"

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Cinn walked over to the room to look at the skins. "Wow! These are so cool!" She continued to look at them in awe before running back like an excited child.

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio dropped the skin on the ground.
“Actually, it’s mostly because I have a cave to hide in, and it is strictly forbidden to attack another Scorpon while they molt.”


"Huh. Fair rule to have. That'd be a horrible way to go, I imagine," Phoenix rose to his feet as curiosity finally got the better of him. He wanted to look at a molt close up. After all, it's not every day he gets to do this.

@Darkblossom group

If he gets close enough, he will see that the molts depict a life. One molt looks like a young, young Scorpon. It is extremely tiny, and has no limbs. It is kinda cute. Another shows a slightly bigger Scorpon, still young but with six limbs this time and a long tail. The molts continually get bigger, and one looks especially ripped on the sides, as if huge wings popped out of them.

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"Scorpio, your molts are amazing!" Cinn yawned. "Can I sleep here? I'm beat."

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio smiles proudly, though he quickly covers it up.
“Most of those molts are Scrip’s. A lot of mine are in my parents cave, except for the adult molts. And sure, I guess you can sleep here. It’s more comfortable than sleeping on the wet ground outside.”


"Awesome indeed…" Phoenix breathed out and trailed off, beholding molts of manh sizes. He ran his hands across the skins, awestruck by the texture, and glanced up at Scorpio. Slowly, he approached the large Scorpon, holding his hand out to try to feel Scorpio's current skin for comparison.

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio narrows his eyes at Phoenix, but doesn’t protest. His skin feels rough, and you realize that it is covered in a tough shell. His belly is white and muscular, and his back is blue and covered in sharp spikes.


"Woah… you're fuckin' awesome, Scorpio!" Phoenix burst out, running his hand across the Scorpon's skin one last time before pulling away. "I don't suppose you'll also have me as a guest tonight?"

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(I'm sorry)
"Thank you once again for your kindness," Cinnamon started. "Where can I sleep?"

@Darkblossom group

(school has me bogged down and dead atm. gotta get this work done. sorry guys)

(Its okay, just try to check once a week minimum or this will die.)
“You can sleep among the molts. They are surprisingly comfortable.”