forum Speak My Children! (Character Chat)
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

You’re in a place called Poison Woods. The trees look like redwoods, but with blue bark and magenta leaves. The dirt is literally solidified clouds. It is almost like walking on a marshmallow. The inhabitants are giant, humanoid, blue scorpions that could probably kill any one of your characters and stand at around 7-8 feet tall. There is this one especially tough looking one with huge blue wings sprouting from its back. You should probably talk to him.

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"Um, hello there," Cinnamon started hesitantly, speaking towards the giant scorpion.

@Darkblossom group

The Scorpon (that’s the species name) slowly opens his eyes, extending his wings in a stretch.
“Great. More grounders to bother me. Isn’t the job of a Divine Protector to stop this from happening?” He stands up on his back claws, flexing his arms to stretch them out.

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(Do you know if anyone else will come?)
"Um, well, I was just exploring, I dunno about the others…" She trailed off, hoping it wouldn't kill her.

@Darkblossom group

(No idea, but i hope so)
The scorpon rotated his mismatched eyes down to look closer at the…(I’m guessing human or roughly humanoid?)
“Well, I might as well stop you from getting killed. Come here.” The Scorpon turns around and walks off into the forest, indicating with a wing for Cinnamon to follow.

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"O-okay…" She stuttered, taking long strides toward the creature.

@Darkblossom group

The Scorpon leads you to a cave. Inside a younger looking Scorpon is sharpening his tail on a rock. There is a dead animal carcass in the corner, and an unexpected map lays on the floor.
“This is my adopted son, Scrip.” The younger Scorpon turns toward Cinnamon, smiling, before going back to sharpening his tail.

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Cinnamon raised her hand to wave. She looked over and she saw an animal carcass. Trying not to gag she asked, "How come you didn't kill me? Not that I'm complaining."

@Darkblossom group

The Scorpon stares at Cinnamon.
“Why would I kill you? For the fun of it? You would go down too easily. Also, you would make a terrible snack. Might as well socialize a little. The rest of my kind isn’t much fun to hang around. It’s hard to talk with someone who could start fighting you at any moment.” The Scorpon sits down in a corner, folding his wings.

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"Ah, yeah. I see your point," She tried to imagine it. The Scorpon was right, too easy. "Well, what kind of things do you do for fun?"

@Darkblossom group

The Scorpon thought for a minute.
“Battle in the arena, train Scrip, beat up Scrip, beat up other Scorpons, eat, watch other Scorpons fight, flirt.”



(Alrighty then I shall)

"Knock knock, anyone here?" Phoenix growled sarcastically as he entered the place where he heard voices coming from. "Aww, I can't believe you started the party without me," he grinned wolfishly and pointed to the carcass on the floor, though his eyes seemed to glint with friendliness.

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"Hm. Sounds fun, I think." Cinnamon was confused as to why this would be fun, but whatever floats their boat.

@Darkblossom group

The Scorpon stares at Phoenix.
“Who are you and why are you in my cave?” He spits back. Scrip pauses and drops onto all ten(yes they have ten) legs, swinging his tail forward, trying to scare the newcomer.


"Oh, I go by many names. I think today I'll go by Nix. Calm down please, sorry for walking up unannounced… And what about you, my tall blue friend? What is your name?" Phoenix shifted his gaze from the giant down to the little one and a humanoid girl. "Pfft how adorable you two are! What are you called too?"

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"Yo. I'm Cinnamon, but you can call me Cinn or something like that. It's what my friends call me," Cinnamon replied. She waved.

@Darkblossom group

(I am so confused right now. Both Scorpons are at least 7 feet tall, though only one has wings. The one that is trying to look threatening is the younger one.)

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio(the one that spoke and is sitting next to Cinnamon) stands up and steps toward Nix. He holds out his tail like a hand for Phoenix to shake.
“My name is Scorpio. Please do not disrespect me or my son in my cave. I will allow you to stay for now, but be warned, I am not afraid of you, and will kick you out if you do not behave.”

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"That probably goes for me too, right?" She butted in. "I mean, you obviously aren't afraid of me, but…nevermind. Sorry, I talk a lot," She held a hand out to Phoenix. "Nice to meet ya."


Phoenix allowed a genuine smile to cross his features before shaking hands with Scorpio, and then Cinnamon. "Those appear to be fair rules. I digress. Nice to meet you all," he bowed his head in acknowledgment to Scorpio and Scrip before taking a seat perpendicular to Cinnamon's spot. I was sent here for some reason… why? Big Blue won't harm our mortal friend here so who am I supposed to be protecting now? Phoenix sent the question up to his boss, knowing full well he won't get an answer until the time is right.

@Darkblossom group

Scorpio made a satisfied noise, and turned toward Scrip.
“Why don’t you go find something for us to eat? Our guests here will be hungry. And bring a flame back with you. I imagine that they don’t want to eat raw meat.” Scrip would have nodded his head, but of course he didn’t have a neck, so he just ran off on all tens out of the cave.

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"Thank you, Scorpio, for your hospitality," Cinnamon said with gratitude. "I greatly appreciate it." She sat down and started to write in the dirt. This won't last long, but all the same. Bless this Scorpon and watch after him, please. Thanks