forum Sophmore who wants to prepare for college
Started by @Overdoneyanoveltropeyesplease

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Hello, I am currently a Sophmore in high school and I really want to go to art school. My dream school is Columbia College Chicago, but here’s the internet’s stats for the school:
And that looks scary as hell. Even if I don’t go here, I do still want to go to an art college. So if anyone knows what I can do now that will help me later, I would love to hear any tips, tricks, and suggestions.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm not attending an arts college, but I have gone through the whole application process and kind of know what to look for in schools as far as stats and admissions criteria. First thing that comes to mind is that graduation rate… Do you know why it's so low?
Second, what specifically do you want to know? My main suggestions at the moment are keep your grades as high as you comfortably can and establish relationships with some of your teachers so you can get a nice recommendation letter or two (or however many your schools of choice want).


dude, you know what college you want to go to. knowing that is half the battle. I had friends senior year that literally had no idea what college they wanted to go to so they applied to like twelve and got in to all of them.
she then had to decide between twelve colleges, most of which would cost relatively the same, and it was awful.
I have seen classmates worry and stress until they got sick from the strain of it all. don't do that to yourself.

also, you're a sophomore, worrying about college shouldn't be a big deal yet. colleges don't really care about your grades until second semester of junior year or first semester of senior year. the grades that you have the semester before you apply are what matter most, that and you having somewhat of a life outside of school. now I know this is gonna sound crazy, but as long as you are doing your best right now, I wouldn't stress about it too much. Do your best in classes, put your best effort into your work, just do your best and have a life. Colleges want to know that they have a person, with a unique life coming to school, not a computer.
I know you probably dont believe me, but you sound like you're in a position like I was sophomore year. Trust me, I know people who work for a college and look at admissions. Do your best, have a life, start creating a resume or portfolio or something if the art school requires that sort of thing (idk how that works for art schools), and just try not to worry about college just yet.

im in college rn and tbh its so much better than high school, but dont try to rush to get here, High school is an adventure all it's own that, while it can be awful sometimes, has its good things too. enjoy the opportunities and free school and textbooks while it lasts.

ps: a lot of scholarships never get applied to because people dont think they're qualified, APPLY FOR ALL OF THEM. Anything you think you could qualify for or be okay at or whatever, apply!!!