forum So....what's so great about musicals again?
Started by @Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

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@HighPockets group

Six is a great show too, it's kinda like Hamilton where it's making the stories of mostly forgotten people (in this case, Henry VIII's wives) relevant again!


Ah musical's. I live and breath musicals. I love how you can find a musical for you. NO matter what your going through were you come from, there is a musical for it. I have a soft spot in my heart for historical musicals, like Chicago, Le Mis, Hamilton and Six. Pippin is a musical that I discovered a few months ago that really got to me, it's this comedy play with a really good life message, "Corner of the sky" was a song I needed to hear when I found the musical. A picture says a thousand words but a song says one billion.

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wow okay, boy, am i seeing that late. but @Relsey, i saw a live show for pippin. it was put on in maine when i was in 4th grade and i adored it! it's what got me into musicals in the first place.