forum So, I need help...
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people_alt 37 followers

Deleted user

I have a project for class to create my own myth. It has to be an origin/creation myth, like how did the universe come to be, how the leopard got it's spots, etc. And I have no idea what to write. Any help I can get would be extraordinary, thanks!

Deleted user

I'd liiike a creation myth, but any ideas you have would be a blessing.


Random tips (note that these are terrible examples but I hope they get the point across):

  • Personification is your best friend! (eg. "how did continents separate? one of them was really weirding the others out so they backed away slowly")
  • Puns are always good! (eg. "the land did something to offend the ocean and that's why the ocean is salty")
  • It could also be the reason something is exactly the way it is and not another way ("why does the tiger have stripes? it started out as a leopard but then it moved before the paint was dry so it streaked")