forum So I’m bored and curious therefore I made a thing where our characters can interact. Please come in and introduce your characters! Everyone’s welcome to take part!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 8 followers


Icarus: "Oooh snap" he chuckled slightly
Kain: "Shall we continue this elsewhere?" he asked innocently, looking up at Vos on top of him
Me: WEll then okie dokie off you gays go then


Me: Yes but I'm still figuring out how to write pan so please go? Misty you're staying.
Misty: Lyra, my brains are literally melting PLEASE let me leave
Jean: I'm not leaving so you can figure it out. Misty, babe, relax and chill. Charles, loosen up a little okay? I'm like your only friend so go make some more.
Misty: I'm going to die.


Vos: of course, darling. snaps his fingers and teleports them away
me: you know, I would miss them if I didn't know they aren't having a killer time, if ya know what I mean
Bastian: why do you torture us with bad puns
me: because it's all I have left in life


me: distant French cackling
Bastian: because they're both horrible *shifts a bit so he's now cuddling Matt on the floor
me: yepp, not gonna disagree there
Kaon: hewwo, can I come in since daddy left?
me: you say hewwo and daddy in the same sentence one more time imma slap the lips off your face

Deleted user

M: mumbles something about going to go kill himself and shuffles off
Me: NOOOOOO! attatches to M’s back

@Painted-Iris group

me: distant French cackling
Bastian: because they're both horrible *shifts a bit so he's now cuddling Matt on the floor
me: yepp, not gonna disagree there
Kaon: hewwo, can I come in since daddy left?
me: you say hewwo and daddy in the same sentence one more time imma slap the lips off your face

Me: dude no don't slap the childddddddddd
Malachi: watches as Vos teleports away
Me: He was supposed to protect you but got distracted wow
Axtin: You two better not leave me out of the cuddlesssssssssssssss


Kaon: does the fucking mario jump for no reason I'll protect you!
me: oh god no don't let him do that he's worse than Bastian
Kaon: oh come on it's not like I'm making out with everyone I see
me: but you do want to murder everyone you see

Deleted user

Truth: yOur MOM
Zackary: She’s dead!


Kaon: starts flailing and windmilling his arms in an excited manner HCHVGHFGG OUR BOI IS GAY!!!!!
Me: to answer Malachi, your dad is currently napping
Kaon: giggling and hugging Malachi


Atticus: nods and is generally content with the situation
Me: It's almost like matt is trying to embarrass me more than I embarrass myself lol

Deleted user

Me clinging onto M’s neck: OoooH a new gay?
M swinging around trying to get rid of me: gEt OfF