forum So...... Hows the weather.....
Started by @Relsey

people_alt 5 followers


I'm in Mass and there's been pretty much no snow since October! We're supposed to be the hardy New-Englanders shovelling our way through a blizzard while bedecked in Patriots memorabilia and with a coffee in our hands! What happened? What's yet to come?

I'm kinda scared, now.


Haha I wish that would happen, Muffled crying in the corner last time it snowed I was four and broke my arm sledding, it legit hasn't snowed and stuck sense then. Maybe I broke the weather along with my arm.


Heh I wish it would snow. We got like 2 entire inches last year and that's the most it has ever snowed in a really really long time here. I want to stress that it's been a really long time. (Like 1980's was the last time it snowed more than that)


We literally have news articles on the "snow drought." Something tells me we're either going to have absolutely no snow, or our cars are going to be buried in the oncoming apocalypse and we'll have to revert to the primal instincts that carried us through the Ice Age.