forum Snippets of Stories
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

“Please just go away.” Thorne implores. “I hate you, but I don’t really feel like fighting right now. I have cinnamon rolls to eat.”

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

“What just happened?” Marie’s eyes are wide.
“Um… the floor disappeared, as did the key, and there’s probably a huge monster down there that wants to kill us.” Ceder waves at the pit. “Oh, and I forgot. We’re stuck on a tiny circle of stone with nowhere to go.”
“Thank you, Ceder.” I glare at him and stand up slowly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

“Can’t you just zap us there?” Ceder asks.
“I could, but then the King would instantly know we’re there. It’s as if someone shouted ‘we are here!’ and threw glitter at him.”

Deleted user

“What i’m getting at, is that with the UN’s supplies, we launch a full scale attack against America. We purge them all, allowing to rebuild and fix what was lost to the war and expand Canada’s borders.”
Aff looked at him with admiration, draining Juniper of all of her confidence. “That must be a hard choice. Wynerfol, what is your operation suggestion?”
“Ever since war was declared and America was under siege, there has been debris floating in the air. With climate change becoming more rampant and wind patterns shifting drastically, I believe it is safe to assume, that as long as those chemicals are trapped in the sky, we’ll be thrown into a radioactive ice era.”
Topias gave her a confused look.
“From various drones, it’s apparent that the amount of light getting through the atmosphere has dropped drastically from California to mid Texas of what was once America, where the wasteland lays. The average temperature for the center of the states that is habitable is -25 degrees to 70 degrees. It’s apparent that the debris is spreading northward as well. The southern borders of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan have had increase of dust and radioactive material floating in the air, leading to major diseases spreading in the past seven years since the war began. If we were to launch a full frontal attack upon America, it will only lead to more radioactive substance in the atmosphere, leading to the death of far more than needed. Our only shot-” She took a deep breath. “Is to save the inhabitants of America, or at least contain them, while we clear the atmosphere of the debris.”

Deleted user

"I can't believe it! Actually manacled to a wall. I thought they only did that in cartoons!" cried Brie.

"Oh yes, it's a form of torture." said Snail, distracted.

"Odd. It doesn't hurt."

"Not now. If they leave us for a few days, it will. Leave us for a week and we'll be in continuous agony. Cheer up, look! There's a mouse!" Snail craned his head forward to stare at a mouse in the corner that promptly ran off.

"I am deeply cheered," she retorted dryly, making a sarcastic face.


“How did you get here?” I asked, folding my knife and putting it away. Amber looked up from her dagger.

“I honestly have no idea. I’m thinking that I might’ve put LSD in my drink and forgot about it, and I’m just tripping right now, because that seems like the only reasonable explanation.”


“I don’t know what Amber is talking about, this place is absolutely terrible,” a man said from behind Asura, putting a hand on his shoulder. He jumped, yelling in surprise and terror. He relaxed slightly when he saw that it was just Milo.

“Son of a fuck, you scared me!” Asura snapped. Milo chuckled. He looked down at the ground to hide his smile.

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.


She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

(Thank you, it wasnt just me though. @"Alex Mercer" helped, so I'm givin' him some credit.)


She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Milo: Efficient and powerful. I like her.
Valentina: I swear if I see one more gun I'm going to flip my shit, y'all need to chill out, eat some weed, and mind your own damn business. We wouldn't need guns if we weren't all so petty.

(Sorry I felt like I had to add to that lol)

@Mojack group

((Others seem to be posting some of their favourites here so I'll do mine))

"Nothing ever happens out here. This place sucks." One of the men spoke on the tower, wearing a tired expression.
His partner answered without turning in his direction.
"It's better than the rest of the planet."
"Like how?"
"Many reasons. It's better than the Atlantic ocean, or any ocean in general. That's where a lot of Them originated from. Don't wanna be in a city, personal reasons plus they tend to flock towards there to build nests. Don't wanna be in the little lesser known towns either. You'll get killed and no one will bat an eye."
"Yeah, but the last one applies to here too. We're basically out in the middle of no-"
"Don't expose my flaws."

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Milo: Efficient and powerful. I like her.
Valentina: I swear if I see one more gun I'm going to flip my shit, y'all need to chill out, eat some weed, and mind your own damn business. We wouldn't need guns if we weren't all so petty.

(Sorry I felt like I had to add to that lol)

Morality: Bitch I'm living in a nuclear war, chill

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Milo: Efficient and powerful. I like her.
Valentina: I swear if I see one more gun I'm going to flip my shit, y'all need to chill out, eat some weed, and mind your own damn business. We wouldn't need guns if we weren't all so petty.

(Sorry I felt like I had to add to that lol)

Morality: Bitch I'm living in a nuclear war, chill

Snail: iT'S kInDA mY tHInG tO sAVe pLanETs lEt mE heLP-
Brie: We aren't even from the same universes! Let the badass do her own thing!
Snail: But-
Brie: Oh, shove it up your arse and leave the woman be.

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Milo: Efficient and powerful. I like her.
Valentina: I swear if I see one more gun I'm going to flip my shit, y'all need to chill out, eat some weed, and mind your own damn business. We wouldn't need guns if we weren't all so petty.

(Sorry I felt like I had to add to that lol)

Morality: Bitch I'm living in a nuclear war, chill

Snail: iT'S kInDA mY tHInG tO sAVe pLanETs lEt mE heLP-
Brie: We aren't even from the same universes! Let the badass do her own thing!
Snail: But-
Brie: Oh, shove it up your arse and leave the woman be.

(All of this is mood)


She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Milo: Efficient and powerful. I like her.
Valentina: I swear if I see one more gun I'm going to flip my shit, y'all need to chill out, eat some weed, and mind your own damn business. We wouldn't need guns if we weren't all so petty.

(Sorry I felt like I had to add to that lol)

Morality: Bitch I'm living in a nuclear war, chill

Valentina: I'm living in an intergalactic war, and I still stand by the fact that we all need to chill the hell out.

Deleted user

She strode up to the makeshift stage, past the legionnaires who looked on curious, that Strike used to use, clearing her throat, she called everyone to attention. “As you may or may not know, Commander Strike was assassinated. As tradition would call, as his top General, I will succeed him as commander and leader of the Gunners.” She growled. “Any objections and you will be laying with Strike in the graves.”
A gunner from the crowd called out “Were those his last words or did you just pull this out of your ass?”
Like a machine, she grabbed her pistol, flipped it in between her fingers and shot the gunner in the crowd. He fell into the mass in a bleeding pool. “Anyone else?” She snarled.

oh damn

Morality is a badass

Snail: I don't approve, violence and killing are never the answer-
Brie: Don't mind him, he's got a stick up his ass. I thought it was cool.

(OOC) Nice scene, I like your writing style!

Milo: Efficient and powerful. I like her.
Valentina: I swear if I see one more gun I'm going to flip my shit, y'all need to chill out, eat some weed, and mind your own damn business. We wouldn't need guns if we weren't all so petty.

(Sorry I felt like I had to add to that lol)

Morality: Bitch I'm living in a nuclear war, chill

Valentina: I'm living in an intergalactic war, and I still stand by the fact that we all need to chill the hell out.

Morality: Mood. (idfk, this chain kinda needs to die)

Deleted user

“Hunter! Get up you dick!” Robert yelled. “You were supposed to stay in your room! Why the actual fuck did you throw a carton of eggs at me?”
Hunter put his black hands up. “You were looking lonely.” He chuckled.
“Lonely?” He yelled.
“Hah, yeah, nature is your lover.” He muttered as he passed out on the floor.