forum Simple Title Experiment
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

I have another experiment to conduct.

The goal here is to analyze the raw implications made when reading a book title. Assuming you came across the title "Club 27", where no other indication of its content is obviously shown (i.e., cover art, summaries, reviews, genre label), where only the title was presented, what would your first assumption of the plot be? Be filterless; let your mind go where it wants to, and describe exactly where it went. Here is the title again, in its isolated glory.
Club 27

Deleted user

When the amount and quality of results reaches a zenith, we may break away from "Club 27" and discuss the implications of other titles you may wish to share.


I think of your classic club: drinking, dancing, the whole deal. But when you add the "27," it seems like some organized ordeal. So then my mind went to some sort of government agency that's created various "clubs" to organize certain people (probably operatives) into. And then Club 27 is the one full of the main characters, who do something or other that's "special." Maybe overthrow the government.


See I thought of a group of kids, almost like a gang but less.. gang-y…. who get together for a common goal. There are either 27 of them or they are the 27th try or they meet on 27th street or somethin

@Becfromthedead group

Here are the things I thought of:

  1. Anti-government organization
  2. A fight club or gang of some sort
  3. A club (like a dancing club/bar) in space, think cool futuristic club

Deleted user

It sounds like a “License To Kill” Kinda book
And at one point there’s like a steampunk sex club?? I dunno