forum Shuri Appreciation Thread
Started by @RedTheLoveless

people_alt 40 followers


Question: What is your favorite thing about Shuri?

One of my favorite things about Shuri is that he's always willing to help, no matter how….outlandish might be the right word? the problem is. Another is that he's always there for anyone, anytime.


Question: What is your favorite thing about Shuri?

One of my favorite things about Shuri is that he's always willing to help, no matter how….outlandish might be the right word? the problem is. Another is that he's always there for anyone, anytime.

Yes! So true!


Okay so I'm sitting here, as a legal adult…

Watching Spongebob.

Why? I dunno…

But it's entertaining.

It's okay, my mom apparently would watch Animaniacs with my dad even after they got married.