forum Show Off Your Singing Voices!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 80 followers

@Starfast group

I tried to record myself singing even though I'm both very shy and not that great at it. In the end I wasn't able to make a recording that didn't make me want to die inside so let me just contribute to this thread by saying I think the rest of you guys have great singing voices :)


I tried to record myself singing even though I'm both very shy and not that great at it. In the end I wasn't able to make a recording that didn't make me want to die inside so let me just contribute to this thread by saying I think the rest of you guys have great singing voices :)


although I was kinda sick the last time I recorded myself so I'm gonna try to do a better one today

Deleted user

thank you!! also there's a HORSE loose in a HOSPITAL
also do you guys want me to sing part of a original song i'm working on?

Deleted user

Yasss. And speaking of singing, here's an audio clip of "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing". It sucks because I have a chronic stuffed nose, but whatever. I'm feeling brave. Warning: it has the words of cuss, and there's a "talking bit" (not rapping but similar) that I fucking slayed. In a bad way. I ruined the song with it. And it sounds choppy and hesitant for most of it. And I didn't pace my breathing so it sounds like I'm oxygen deprived. Anyways, before you listen to mine, just listen to the original and know I tried.